Android-Native-TTS-plugin-for-Unity-3d copied to clipboard
This does not work out of the box on Unity 5.6.4f1
It likely doesn't work on earlier versions either. It errors out when doing the final Android Manifest Merge. I had to fix the .aar file to remove the android:label="NAtive TTS" line in AndroidManifest.xml file.
Another thing I would recommend for the Sample is changing the canvas to use "Scale With Screen Size" instead of "Constant Pixel Size". This will make it easier to use on devices with higher resolutions (the buttons are pretty much unclickable with the current settings)
@buzzjive How did you fix the .aar file? could you please give the steps?
@timokranz you can follow these steps to unzip aar file (if you're on mac);
after you unzip aar file, you'll find AndroidManifest.xml file inside of the unzipped folder then you can remove that line like @buzzjive has mentioned. Thanks by the way @buzzjive it worked like a charm.