keyword_alert_bot icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
keyword_alert_bot copied to clipboard

telegram keyword alert bot ⏰

Results 21 keyword_alert_bot issues
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This bot is amazing. Can you please provide deploy button (set-up) of heroku, digital Ocean or any other services. Please. As I don't have much experience in manual setup.

建议把channel title和 FOUND 写在一行 节约纵向空间 ![image]( 可以说是个人偏好。

无法使用该频道:pionexcn Channel error, unable to use: You have joined too many channels/supergroups (caused by JoinChannelRequest)

![image]( 如上图,我添加了几个关键词,其中一个是下载, ![image]( 我发了“下载”这个关键词到目标群,机器人没任何反应,大佬这个能解决么? ![image]( 电报群链接:

Unhandled exception on on_greeting Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/telethon/client/", line 467, in _dispatch_update await callback(event) File "/etc/keyword_alert_bot-master/", line 71, in on_greeting sender_username = event.message.sender.username if event.message.sender.username is not...

当一条命令订阅多个关键字和群组时,如果部分成功,返回的结果应说明哪些成功,哪些失败 目前的实现,如果订阅命令失败,需要自行/list查看哪些订阅成功了。


is it possible to keyword a whole sentence? or, is it possible to make a filter "word 1 but not word 2" i.e. send notification if there is only word...


Hello, this is more like a suggestion rather than a real issue. **I think it would be useful to subscribe to certain keywords with silenced notifications.** When you track many...



**问题描述 Describe the bug** 请简洁明了地描述您遇到的问题。A clear and concise description of what the bug is. **订阅信息 command Info** 请提供相关命令和信息,例如: /subscribe 优惠券,Booked