dropSeqPipe copied to clipboard
violin plot fail
I somehow can't seem able to run the violin plot properly. Here is the error I get.
snakemake --cores 8 --use-conda --directory ~/Nadia_analysis/dropSeqPipe ..... ..... Activating conda environment:/home/Nadia_analysis/dropSeqPipe/.snakemake/conda/c4d744c4
Attaching package: ‘cowplot’
The following object is masked from ‘package:ggplot2’:
Error in grDevices::pdf(..., version = version) : cannot open file '/home/Nadia_analysis/dropSeqPipe//home/Nadia_analysis/4_nuclei_heart_hiseq/results/plots/UMI_vs_counts.pdf' Calls: ggsave -> do.call -> <Anonymous> -> dev -> <Anonymous> Execution halted [Thu Jun 20 17:05:58 2019] Error in rule violine_plots: jobid: 15 output: /home/Nadia_analysis/4_nuclei_heart_hiseq/results/plots/violinplots_comparison_UMI.pdf, /home/Nadia_analysis/4_nuclei_heart_hiseq/results/plots/UMI_vs_counts.pdf, /home/Nadia_analysis/4_nuclei_heart_hiseq/results/plots/UMI_vs_gene.pdf, /home/Nadia_analysis/4_nuclei_heart_hiseq/results/plots/Count_vs_gene.pdf, /home/Nadia_analysis/4_nuclei_heart_hiseq/results/summary/R_Seurat_objects.rdata conda-env: /home/Nadia_analysis/dropSeqPipe/.snakemake/conda/c4d744c4
Shutting down, this might take some time. Exiting because a job execution failed. Look above for error message Complete log: /home/Nadia_analysis/dropSeqPipe/.snakemake/log/2019-06-20T170543.011943.snakemake.log
Hello @terooatt this is an often problem encountered with different platforms, I had the same issue on my cluster server.
Could you please tell us which OS is running on the computer you are using?
This seems to be the same as issue #71. @Hoohm, Could you have a look at this issue? This has been fixed but the branch (which is only at my fork) seems not merged in yet. Not sure why we didn't do this, I could do a pull request if you agree (Or did I miss something?). The branch is (https://github.com/seb-mueller/dropSeqPipe/tree/feature/newline_plus_yield_bugfix) and the relevant commit solving this issue is https://github.com/seb-mueller/dropSeqPipe/commit/7a537ec83aeee045631fa7608ffb157cf932bcfd
@terooatt , could you pull the above mentioned branch and see if the fixes the problem?
Hi I am using fedora 30. I got different type of error:
Registered S3 method overwritten by 'R.oo':
method from
throw.default R.methodsS3
Error in CreateSeuratObject(raw.data = umi_matrix, meta.data = metaData) :
unused argument (raw.data = umi_matrix)
Execution halted
[Sat Jul 27 03:23:04 2019]
Error in rule violine_plots:
jobid: 55
Just had another look and commit 7a537ec
has in fact been merged, so #71 is not the culprit anymore.
But as of the last message of @abmmki , it's the same error now as in #84.
Is this fixed? Can I close it?
@terooatt and I are in the same lab, we're running the pipeline on the same Debian server. I think this was the same issue I had so it is safe to close.