automatic-verilog copied to clipboard
autoparam should not instantiate localparam
In sytemverilog, localparam is allowed to show up in the "parameter area, for example
module fifo#
parameter DP = 8,
localparam PTRW = $clog2(DP)
output [PTRW - 1:0] wptr,
output [PTRW - 1:0] rptr
In this condition, localparam should not appear in the instance
Even those after portlist will be instantiated, wierd
Even those after portlist will be instantiated, wierd
use only_port config in your vimrc let g:atv_autopara_only_port = 1
In sytemverilog, localparam is allowed to show up in the "parameter area, for example
module fifo# ( parameter DP = 8, localparam PTRW = $clog2(DP) ) ( output [PTRW - 1:0] wptr, output [PTRW - 1:0] rptr )
In this condition, localparam should not appear in the instance
will be fixed soon