Graph-U-Nets copied to clipboard
Pytorch implementation of Graph U-Nets (ICML19)
@HongyangGao hi thanks for sharing the code base , i am just confused with the input dataformat for the architecture are you not taking the data directly from the
I have trained this model with source code, but how can I not get the accuracy rate in the paper ?
Hi, I have a question about selecting models. In DGCNN, the author uses the accuracy of the test set at the last iteration. In this paper, the best accuracy...
g degrees = torch.sum(g, 1) RuntimeError: CUDA error: no kernel image is available for execution on the device End of cross-validation using 14 seconds The accuracy results for DD are...
Hi, Hongyang, thanks for sharing the code. Since the code for transductive tasks is not available, could you please share the hyper-parameters such as num of hidden layers in the...
Thanks for your code, could you provide your implementation details for node classification? I can only find that for graph classification.
您好,我这里有一批节点特征矩阵,大小为[B,N,C],B是批处理个数,N是节点个数,C是特征维度数;还有一批邻接矩阵[B,N,N]。由于我的邻接矩阵太过稠密,我在使用PYG复现的GraphUNet时显存不足,因为它是用邻接列表存储节点连接关系的。 但是现在我想使用邻接矩阵的形式,请问如何进行批训练呢?
Thanks for sharing your code. If I want to find some important node in a graph, does gPool layer effect?
How can one ensure that indexing the h node matrix with the topk scores applies to each member of a batch of graph data?