If using RGB you see blue followed by green followed by red, use ColorMap::BGR
I'll give so more thought - these changes worked fine for @honear, but there may one something specific to your model. Have you tried using a different driver (unrelated to...
UPDATE: The final version of the code is now checked-in on the "dev" branch. To simplify use, I eliminated the recently-added `setColorMap()` method (which was mostly for initial testing purposes)...
Note that the Twinkle effect uses the white LED and requires an RGBW strip.
Yes, the `setTiming()` method is meant for exactly that -- really glad it solved the flickering issue. I was doing some research and apparently some other Pixel controllers experienced the...
Since everything seems like it is working with the new dev code I'll close out this issue. Please feel free to re-open if needed.
Unfortunately I won't be able to work on this for a while - and it may be very difficult to debug. It may be that the speed of change is...
I'll review over the next week or so and post an example.
Please see this new [SpanPointLightSwitch Repository]( for a series of example sketches that shows how to both send data to, and receive data from, remote ESP32 and ESP8266 devices. In...
As described in the documentation, calling move with nSteps=0 stops the motor and invokes the end-action.