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Updated to new kafka client version with an option to connect to secured kafka cluster
Made changes to support new kafka client versions. Has an ability to connect to secured kafka cluster using JaaS configuration file.
Following are the changes:
Added following properties to application.yml
kafka: env: local brokerConnect: localhost:9092 isSecured: true zookeeper: connect: localhost:2181
To run the application jaas file should be present in the user.dir. jaas config file is picked up based on the env specified in kafka.evn property. Ex if env=local then "kaas_local_jaas.conf" will be used for authentication.
can you let me know when is the functionality available for secured cluster connectivity?
@dhayha Any plans to merge this pull request?.
can i vote for merging this ? would make kafdrop even more useful in a SASL_SCRAM env
happy to help with any testing etc.