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List-initialize containers with proper move semantics

~ better_list_init ~

List-initialize containers with proper move semantics,
including containers of non-copyable elements, which otherwise don't support std::initializer_list constructors.

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Table of contents

  • The problem
  • The solution
    • More examples
  • How do I use this library?
  • How does it work?
  • A detailed explanation
    • The nature of init
    • Range vs non-range initialization
    • More on range initialization
    • .begin()/.end()
  • Notes on compatibility
    • MSVC and the allocator hack
    • C++14
  • Using better_list_init in your own libraries
    • The stable API
    • Supporting C++14

The problem

std::initializer_list stores const elements, so the elements can't be moved from it. This causes unnecessary copying, and compilation errors for non-copyable types.

For example, this doesn't work, since unique_ptr is non-copyable:

std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>> vec = {nullptr, std::make_unique<int>(42)};

Neither does this, since std::atomic is not even movable:

std::vector<std::atomic_int> vec = {1, 2, 3};

The solution

This library provides a workaround. Just include the header and add init before the braces:

#include <better_list_init.hpp>

std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>> vec = init{nullptr, std::make_unique<int>(42)};
//                                      ^~~~
std::vector<std::atomic_int> vec = init{1, 2, 3};
//                                 ^~~~

This compiles and performs the initialization as you would expect.

In the first example, one could also use .reserve()+.emplace_back(), so init{...} just provides a prettier syntax.

In the second example, .emplace_back() wouldn't compile at all, because the type is non-movable.

More examples

  • Initializing a map: (or any nested container)

    std::map<std::atomic_int, std::atomic_int> map = init{init{1,2}, init{3,4}};

    We support nested initializer lists, but the nested lists must use init{...} too, instead of just {...}.

  • Passing a custom allocator: (or any extra constructor arguments)

    std::vector<std::atomic_int, MyAllocator> vec = init{1, 2, 3}.and_with(MyAllocator(...));
  • Using init{...} as a list of references:

    This requires all list elements to have exactly the same type.

    • With standard algorithms:

      int x = 3, y = 2, z = 1;
      std::ranges::sort(init{x, y, z});
      std::cout << x << y << z << '\n'; // 123

      Or, pre-C++20:

      auto list = init{x, y, z};
      std::sort(list.begin(), list.end());
    • With a for loop:

      int x = 3, y = 2, z = 1;
      for (int &elem : init{x, y, z})

      This is equivalent to for (int *elem : {&x, &y, &z}) (*elem)++;, but with less annoying syntax.

How do I use this library?

The library is header-only, with minimal standard library dependencies.

Just clone the repository, add the include directory to the header search path, and include <better_list_init.hpp>.

To improve the build times, avoid using init{...} when it doesn't bring any benefit, i.e. with types that don't benefit from being moved (and are copyable), such as scalars, especially large arrays thereof.

We currently test on Clang 13+, GCC 9+, and MSVC v19.33, though earlier compiler versions might work as well. At least C++17 is recommended, but C++14 is supported with some caveats.

If you don't like init in the global namespace, you can spell it as better_list_init::init, and disable the short spelling by compiling with -DBETTERLISTINIT_SHORTHAND=0 (or by creating a file called better_list_init_config.hpp with #define BETTERLISTINIT_SHORTHAND 0 in it, in a directory where #include "..." can find it).

Study namespace custom and the macros defined in better_list_init.hpp for more customization capabilities.

How does it work?

The container is constructed from a pair of iterators.

Those are custom iterators that deference to the provided initializers. The iterators are random-access, so containers should be initialized without reallocations.

A longer explanation is provided below.

A detailed explanation

This describes behavior in C++17 and newer. C++14 has some quirks, see C++14 compatibility.

The nature of init

init<P...> is a class template. P... are deduced as the types of the elements passed to init{...}, in a forward reference manner (deducing non-references for rvalue elements, and lvalue references for lvalue elements).

init stores pointers to the elements. If at least one element is an rvalue (i.e. can become dangling), all operations become &&-qualified.

init has a templated conversion operator, which can be used to construct containers.

Range vs non-range initialization

First, we determine if the target type looks like a container or not, i.e. if we should be constructing it from a pair of iterators. We call those container-like types "ranges".

Non-ranges are initialized directly with the list elements, instead of the iterators. Ranges are never initialized directly with the elements, so we avoid the direct-list-initialization fiasco.

By the direct-list-initialization fiasco I mean the sad fact that even though std::vector<int> x{2}; has a single element 2, std::vector<std::string> x{2}; instead has two empty string elements (because you can't construct a string from 2, the element-wise initialization can't be performed and falls back to this).

Normally you work around this by inserting = before the {, which bans the latter scenario, as the offending constructor is explicit.

Our init{...} never performs the latter.

A type is a "range" if has a ::value_type typedef, and is not an aggregate. We reject aggregates because std::array is one, and we don't want to initialize it with a pair of iterators. We also want to know this typedef for other reasons, see below.

Ranges are initialized using T(begin, end). Non-ranges are initialized using T{elements...}. You can pass extra arguments to a range constructor by feeding them to .and_with(...). Non-ranges don't accept .and_with(...) at all (except with no arguments, to simplify generic code).

The conversion operator from init{...} to a type can sometimes be explicit. For ranges, it happens when the type doesn't have a constructor accepting std::initializer_list (followed by the arguments passed to .and_with(), if any). For non-ranges, it happens when void foo(Container); foo({...}); is ill-formed (most often this happens when the constructor is explicit).

More on range initialization

Ranges are constructed from a pair of iterators, followed by the extra arguments passed to .and_with(), if any. The iterators are custom random-access iterators, so the container knows the target size immediately.

What the iterators deference to depends on whether the list is homogeneous.

An init{...} list is "homogeneous" if all its elements have the same type, and there's at least one element. Otherwise we call them "heterogeneous". E.g. init{1,2} is homogeneous, but init{1,2.0} is not, init{} is not, and int x; init{1,x} is not (because the elements have different values categories: rvalue vs lvalue).

We call the sole element type of a homogeneous list the "homogeneous type", it's always either an lvalue or rvalue reference.

Homogeneous list iterators dereference to its homogeneous type. Heterogeneous list iterators deference to a (const reference to a) helper objects that has an operator T, where T is the ::value_type of the container. (The initial idea was to template the operator T, but I ran into some problems with MSVC.)


Homogeneous lists expose .begin() and .end() as member functions. The iterators are random-access and dereference to the homogeneous type. Those are the same iterators that are used when constructing ranges.

Note that like all other member functions, .begin() and .end() become &&-qualified if the list contains at least one rvalue.

Notes on compatibility

MSVC and the allocator hack

MSVC is supported. MSVC v19.33 and earlier have a bug in C++20 mode and newer, which we work around with a hack.

Without the workaround, the bug prevents certain initialization scenarios, described below. The workaround fixes most of them (but not in constexpr contexts).

If the workaround causes problems, it can be disabled by defining BETTERLISTINIT_ALLOCATOR_HACK to 0. You can also tweak it for specific types by specializing templates in namespace allocator_hack.

The workaround involves reinterpret_casting the container to a different type with a modified allocator type. The hack only works if the allocator type can be found in the template arguments (possibly nested) of the container type. Otherwise it doesn't do anything, and you get a compilation error.

Note that, as far as I know, MSVC doesn't do strict-aliasing-based optimizations, so a careful reinterpret_cast should be safe. Since the hack is automatically disabled in newer MSVC versions, this shouldn't create problems in the future. In any case, there's a macro customization point that lets you inject something like __attribute__((__may_alias__)) (if MSVC ever gets something like it), and in fact we already use it to test the allocator hack on other compilers.

The nature of the bug is that std::construct_at() (and by extension std::allocator_traits<...>::construct() of any allocator that doesn't define a custom .constuct() that doesn't rely on std::construct_at(), e.g. std::allocator) causes a SFINAE error when it's used to construct a non-movable type A from a type B that defines operator A. This is as if the mandatory copy elision wasn't considered. This doesn't necessarily mean that the mandatory copy elision doesn't happen in std::construct_at; only the SFINAE seems to be bugged and not the implementation.

For us, this breaks initialization of a container with a non-move-constructible element type1 if init{...} is heterogeneous2 or contains nested init{...} lists (or in general objects with a conversion operator to the element type).

1 Notably this includes maps with non-copyable keys, since the keys end up const and can't be moved.

2 That is, contains expressions of different types, e.g. init{int(1), short(2)} is heterogeneous, but init{int(1), int(2)} is not. An empty init{} is heterogeneous.

You can check at compile-time if the workaround is being used:

// This is false if your compiler and its version look like they shouldn't be affected.
// This is false if a compile-time test has determined that you're somehow not affected.
if constexpr (better_list_init::detail::allocator_hack::enabled::value)
    // The hack is used.


We support C++14 with some caveats:

  • The syntax changes from init{...} to init(...).

    Parentheses are supported in C++17+ too, but the braces should be preferred, because they look prettier, and because like everywhere else in C++, braces force the initializers to be evaluated left-to-right, while in parentheses the evaluation order is unspecified.

  • Containers of non-movable types can only be initialized with homogeneous lists.
    (That is, all elements in init(...) must have the same type, and there must be at least one element.)

    E.g. std::vector<std::atomic_int> a = init(1, 2); is ok, but = init(short(1), 2) is not.

    This notably includes maps with non-copyable keys, since the keys end up const and can't be moved.

  • Containers of non-movable types can't be initialized with nested init(...) lists.

    This, again, notably includes maps with non-copyable keys, since the keys end up const and can't be moved.

    For maps, you can use std::make_pair() instead of the nested init(...) lists, but note that it stores the elements by value, adding extra moves. You can use pairs of references to avoid those.

    The reason for this limitation is that a nested init(...) list tries to construct the element of the enclosing container, which involves returning it from operator T by value, which, in absence of the mandatory copy elision, requires a move constructor.

Using better_list_init in your own libraries

This primarily affects header-only libraries, or the libraries that are intended to be utilized directly as .cpp files, as opposed to being precompiled.

The stable API

Don't spell init directly (even in a qualified way), since it can be renamed by the user with a configuration macro (BETTER_INIT_IDENTIFIER).

Instead of init and better_list_init::init, use BETTERLISTINIT_INIT.

Instead of better_list_init::type::init, use BETTERLISTINIT_TYPE.

Supporting C++14

Normally init and better_list_init::init are aliases for the class template better_list_init::type::init.

But in C++14, since we don't have CTAD, init and better_list_init::init are instead a function that returns a specialization of better_list_init::type::init.

Because of that:

  • Use init(...) instead of init{...}, since functions can't be called with braces. (Or rather, BETTERLISTINIT_INIT(...).)

    • Keep in mind that, as everywhere else in C++, the order of evaluation of parenthesized arguments is unspecified, while the braced elements are evaluated left-to-right.
  • If you need to refer to the type, spell it as better_list_init::type::init. (Or rather, BETTERLISTINIT_TYPE.)

  • C++14 doesn't have std::is_aggregate (no kidding). We consider std::array to be the only aggregate, but this only matters if the type also has a ::value_type typedef. So if you want to initialize an aggregate that has this typedef, specialize better_list_init::details::is_aggregate for it.