
Results 33 comments of Hogarth-MMD

@lordscales91 "also I'm working on a "Morph Tools" panel that will let users create, edit, order and delete morphs and sync it with Blender ShapeKeys." Good luck to you! :+1:...

@ZetaHunter Hi, if you want the best and fastest help from people who don't use UE4, we need preferably links to Blender import and export add-ons for UE4 models and...

I found 2 Unreal Engine add-ons which are included with Blender, but when I tried to export a model, Blender hanged on me. Sorry, maybe I jumped in prematurely trying...

@ZetaHunter Is there a standard bone-naming hierarchy for UE4 character models? If so, can you provide the info about that? Do you and other people need an MMD to UE4...

@lordscales91 I congratulate you on all of your cleverness, hard work and perseverance with your new MMD morph tools panel! :+1: Honestly I was worried that you might get frustrated,...

@lordscales91 Do you mean that I can go into edit mode with a morph and drag vertices around to create a new shape key? I was not able to do...

@lordscales91 I click on '+' to add a vertex morph. A popup dialog appears. I click on 'OK' and I get this error message. If the name of the imported...

powroupi is the current developer of mmd_tools. Try the powroupi fork of mmd_tools: https://github.com/powroupi/blender_mmd_tools

@powroupi is the current developer of mmd_tools. You can find lots of great bug fixes and additional features in the version of mmd_tools by @powroupi: https://github.com/powroupi/blender_mmd_tools/archive/dev_test.zip https://github.com/powroupi/blender_mmd_tools https://github.com/powroupi/blender_mmd_tools/issues

The original version of mmd_tools by sugiany is no longer being developed by sugiany. You need to try the powroupi fork of mmd_tools, which has many bug fixes and additional...