@bouchnouk For DV you need to separate the BL and EL bevor muxing to BD. If you process BL and EL after separation, do they still get corrupted my ffmpeg?
Hello, that's not the win10/win11 defender. This is defender for endpoint, an enterprise solution. I assume, that your computer is provisioned by your company which uses ASR rules in defender...
The question is, if you have installed "Defender for endpoint" or if your Computer is connected to a company network? ASR and how to configure it, is explained here (german...
You can read about more on this page: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction-rules-reference?view=o365-worldwide#block-all-office-applications-from-creating-child-processes It seems like Office is activating an ASR rule called "Block all Office applications from creating child processes" If you dont...
It looks more like an issue because of the 200% scaling. @jcdr428 Is the high dpi mode activated in Qt? QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling); [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20464814/changing-dpi-scaling-size-of-display-make-qt-applications-font-size-get-rendere](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20464814/changing-dpi-scaling-size-of-display-make-qt-applications-font-size-get-rendere) I didn't see it in the main.cpp
With the current Windows-pre-release i get the following stack: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: separator cannot be multi-byte at org.opensearch.performanceanalyzer.reader_writer_shared.EventLog.(EventLog.java:35) ~[?:?] at org.opensearch.performanceanalyzer.PerformanceAnalyzerPlugin.(PerformanceAnalyzerPlugin.java:244) ~[?:?] at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) ~[?:?] at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:77) ~[?:?] at...
@willuhn Ist es möglich für den Branch 4.0 einen Build zu machen und ins Maven-Repo zu pushen?
Die artifact-id müsste in der pom.xml der Eintrag hier sein: hbci4j-core Der Eintrag kann in Branch 4 angepasst werden. In der Wildnis habe ich beide Varianten gefunden. Einige fügen -jakarta-...
Super, vielen Dank! :)
Hello, I added a checkbox and it will be available in the next release. If you want to test it in advance, you can compile the current sources or drop...