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Toolbox for NanoVNA and tinySA: Small programs for scripting and automatisation

Toolbox for NanoVNA and tinySA

Small NanoVNA and tinySA programs for scripting and automation, developed on Debian stable (bullseye), but any other Linux/Unix system should work. Windows and Mac are untested due to lack of HW. The Python tools can be used without installation on all systems where a Python interpreter is available, this is standard for Linux and Mac. For Windows you have to install Python separately. Some Python tools also require the modules cv2, matplotlib, numpy, PIL and scikit-rf, which should normally already be present on your computer if you are involved in processing and visualising RF and microwave data with Python. If you are working under Linux and want to install the tool in your path, you can create a Debian package by typing make deb. For this you need to install python3-stdeb, the module for converting Python code and modules to a Debian package. This package contains also an udev rule that allows user access to the USB serial port of NanoVNA and tinySA. This rule also creates also a symlink, either /dev/nanovna or /dev/tinysa for recent FW versions that announce the device type.

The python commands will detect the serial port automatically, but can be overruled with the option -d if you have more than one device connected.

Communication and Measurement

A very simple template to explore the NanoVNA serial communication and build own applications. When called without options it connects to the 1st detected NanoVNA or tinySA . The script sends the command vbat and displays the result. It does it step-by-step with commented commands to make own modifications.

usage: [-h] [-d DEVICE] [-D] [-v]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
                        connect to device
  -D, --detect          detect the NanoVNA device
  -v, --verbose         be verbose about the communication

A simple gateway to the NanoVNA or tinySA shell commands for use in automatisation scripts, e.g.:

./ help
Commands: scan scan_bin data frequencies freq sweep power bandwidth saveconfig clearconfig touchcal touchtest pause resume cal save recall trace marker edelay capture vbat tcxo reset smooth vbat_offset transform threshold help info version color


The same function, coded in C.

Fast command line tool that captures a screenshot from NanoVNA or tinySA and stores it as small png:

  • Connect via USB serial
  • Issue the command 'pause' to freeze the screen
  • Issue the command 'capture'
  • Fetch 320x240 or 480x320 rgb565 pixels
  • Issue the command 'resume' to resume the screen update
  • Disconnect from USB serial
  • Convert pixels to rgba8888 values
  • Finally store the image as png with date_time stamped name (e.g NanoVNA_20210617_153045.png)
  • You can provide an output file name (-o NAME.EXT) to store also as BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG or TIFF.

The program takes less than 1 second to complete.

usage: [-h] [-d DEVICE] [-n | --h4 | -t | --ultra] [-i] [-o OUT] [-p]

Capture a screen shot from NanoVNA or tinySA

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
                        connect to device
  -n, --nanovna         use with NanoVNA-H (default)
  --h4                  use with NanoVNA-H4
  -t, --tinysa          use with tinySA
  --ultra               use with tinySA Ultra
  -i, --invert          invert the colors, e.g. for printing
  -o OUT, --out OUT     write the data into file OUT
  -p, --pause           stop display refresh before capturing


An even faster command line tool that captures a screenshot from NanoVNA or tinySA and stores it as small png. It works similar to the python above and is a proof of concept how to communicate over USB serial in c. Usage: nanovna_capture [NANOPORT] [NAME.EXT] -> Stores screenshot as PNG unless EXT == "ppm". Opens /dev/ttyACM0 unless the 1st argument starts with /dev/. PNG format is provided by libpng and libpng-dev, NetPBM format needs no extra library support.

Command line tool to fetch S11, S21 or S11 & S21 parameter from NanoVNA-H. Save as S-parameter (1 port or 2 port) or Z-parameter (1 port) in "touchstone" format (rev 1.1). Connect via USB serial, issue the command, calculate, and format the response. Do it as an exercise - step by step - without using tools like scikit-rf.

usage: [-h] [-d DEVICE] [-o [FILE]] [-c] [-t TIMEOUT] [-1 | -2 | -z]

Save S parameter from NanoVNA-H in "touchstone" format

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
                        connect to device
  -o [FILE], --out [FILE]
                        write output to FILE, default = <stdout>
  -c, --comment         add comments to output file (may break some simple tools, e.g.
                        octave's load("-ascii" ...))
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        timeout for data transfer (default = 3 s)
  -1, --s1p             store S-parameter for 1-port device (default)
  -2, --s2p             store S-parameter for 2-port device
  -z, --z1p             store Z-parameter for 1-port device

The Z-parameter are stored as normalized (R/Z0 + jX/Z0) values, as also mentioned in the comment of the data:

! NanoVNA 20230112_105451
! scan 50000 900000000 101 3
! 1-port normalized Z-parameter (R/Z0 + jX/Z0)
# HZ Z RI R 50
     50000     1.042313132     0.000526267
   9049500     1.047180375     0.070234472
  18049000     1.052795732     0.137763222
 891000500     0.118583454    -1.276420745
 900000000     0.111755060    -1.256828212

Plot a *.s[12]p file in touchstone format. Render S11 as smith diagram and S21 (if available) as magnitude and phase into one figure.

usage: [-h] [-x] infile

Plot S11 as smith chart and S22 as dB/phase

positional arguments:
  infile      infile in touchstone format

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -x, --xkcd  draw the plot in xkcd style :)

Check S parameter files for values with |S11| > 1 that may indicate a calibration issue.

usage: [-h] [-i INFILE | -r] [-v]

Check all touchstone files in current directory for values with |S11| > 1

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INFILE, --infile INFILE
                        check only the touchstone file INFILE
  -r, --recursive       check also all touchstone files in subdirectories
  -v, --verbose         display all checked files, more mismatch details

Remote control for the NanoVNA or tinySA - mirror the screen to your PC and operate the device with the mouse. The keys + and - zoom in and out, s takes a screenshot with timestamp, ESC quits the program.

usage: [-h] [-d DEVICE] [-n | --h4 | -t | --ultra] [-i] [-z {2,3,4}]

Remote control NanoVNA-H or tinySA

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
                        connect to serial usb device
  -n, --nanovna         use with NanoVNA-H (default)
  --h4                  use with NanoVNA-H4
  -t, --tinysa          use with tinySA
  --ultra               use with tinySA Ultra
  -i, --invert          invert the colors, e.g. for printing of screen shots
  -z {2,3,4}, --zoom {2,3,4}
                        zoom the screen image

Show the RTC time of NanoVNA-H or NanoVNA-H4 and sync it with the system time or calculate time deviation

usage: [-h] [-d DEVICE] [-s] [-p]

Show and sync the RTC time of NanoVNA-H or NanoVNA-H4

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
                        connect to device
  -s, --sync            sync the NanoVNA time to the system time
  -p, --ppm             calculate ppm deviation since last sync

Get a CSV formatted scan from the tinySA

usage: [-h] [-d DEVICE] [-s START] [-e END] [-p POINTS] [-r RBW] [-c] [-v]

Get a raw scan from tinySA, formatted as csv (freq, power)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
                        connect to serial device
  -s START, --start START
                        start frequency, default = 0 Hz
  -e END, --end END     end frequency, default = 350000000 Hz
  -p POINTS, --points POINTS
                        Number of sweep points, default = 101
  -r RBW, --rbw RBW     resolution bandwidth / Hz, default = 0 (calculate RBW from scan steps)
  -c, --comma           use comma as decimal separator
  -v, --verbose         provide info about scan parameter and timing

Low Level Tools

Tool to read or write the configuration and calibration data of NanoVNA[-H|-H4] This is stored on top of flash memory, address and size depend on device and FW variant (select your device in the top lines of script)

The script saves one complete configuration block from the device. On restore the size of the config file is checked against the flash config size. Also the MAGIC value at file start will be checked, either RNOC for calibration or UNOC for configuration - this is 'CONR' or 'CONU' reverse :) This check helps a little bit to avoid the usage of wrong data.

  if FILENAME is omitted an unique name is created, e.g.:

Tool to process the config data block of a NanoVNA-H retrieved with and save the data as individual files for each calibration slot and global config data or transfer the config file into the opposite format (5 slot format <-> 8 slot format).

usage: [-h] [-p PREFIX] [-s] [-t] infile

positional arguments:
  infile                config file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
                        prefix for output files, default: NV-H
  -s, --split           split config file into individual slot files
  -t, --transfer        transfer 5 slot format <-> 8 slot format

The individual slot files can be downloaded to the NanoVNA-H with the program "dfu-util" dfu-util --device 0483:df11 --alt 0 --dfuse-address ADDR --download SLOTFILE

ADDR depends on the FW, either DiSlord´s originalFW or FW modified by Ho-Ro

DiSlord´s originalFW        FW modified by Ho-Ro
====================        ====================
SLOT    ADDR                SLOT    ADDR
config  0x08018000          config  0x0801F800
0       0x08018800          0       0x0801E000
1       0x0801A000          1       0x0801C800
2       0x0801B800          2       0x0801B000
3       0x0801D000          3       0x08019800
4       0x0801E800          4       0x08018000
                            5       0x08016800
                            6       0x08015000
                            7       0x08013800


In my FW modification, I omitted the SD functions because my NanoVNA-H HW V3.4 does not have an SD card slot. The increased free flash memory can be used to store 8 calibration slots instead of 5. I also reverted the locations of the data and put config on top of flash and the slots below in descending order. This has the advantage that with increased program size in future versions the highest slot(s) can be removed and the config data is untouched, while in original FW the config date and the low slot(s) will be overwritten 1st.