
Results 23 comments of Hashem

Chat loads for me, otherwise same issue for me on Fedora 28

For GitLab support too this would be useful. GitLab provides two ways to edit files: 1) a simple file editor - `https://gitlab.com/group/repo/-/edit/main/docs/index.md` 2) [Web IDE](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/web_ide/) (more features) - `https://gitlab.com/-/ide/project/group/repo/edit/main/-/docs/index.md` GitLab...

Cant add an instance and can't even log in. App is broken.

This tripped me up too. Would be great to put in the installation instructions.

There's https://github.com/myint/docformatter

This model has also been adopted by http://outreachy.org/ to steady success. The funding comes from donations from companies interested in funding diversity outreach.

This can also be addressed by changing the template like: ```diff -### Positive Consequences - -* {e.g., improvement of one or more desired qualities, …} -* … - - -###...

Can't this be closed?

On fedora mtxrun doesn't look in the right places for the scripts. With the system install of context, setting `export TEXMF=/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist` fixed it for me.