Results 40 issues of Tima Kinsart

Maybe in the wiki or as a separate book.


It would be nice if we create a book with a suggestive name _Teloxide by Example_. It would help newcomers to get used quicker to teloxide. ### Pros In contrast...


It seems that this crate uses [openssl]( to implement SSL/TLS functionality, which is platform-dependent. Maybe better to use [native_tls](


[Rustls]( is an SSL/TLS library, written completely in Rust. It seems to be [more safe and fast than OpenSSL]( (which is used by [native-tls]( on Linux). Surf uses [native-tls]( if...


The following assertion fails: ```ocaml open Stdint assert (Int8.of_string "127" = Int8.max_int); ``` Of course, I expect it not to fail.

I currently have the following data type: ```ocaml open Stdint type fixed_int = | U8 of Uint8.t | U16 of Uint16.t | U32 of Uint32.t | U64 of Uint64.t [@@deriving...

There is no `equal` method for integers in this library. There is only `compare`. Is polymorphic equality (`=`) supposed to be used?

In ``, I see > The [API of stdint]( can be found online at the [OCaml forge]( But I can't really find API documentation from these links.

#### Use Case: We use `sled::Error` inside our own error enumeration that must implement `ResponseError` from `actix_web`. Inside `impl ResponseError`, we call `bincode::serialize` on the error, which requires it to...


I can't figure out how to scale an image. No matter which `x, y` parameters I feed to `Scale`, this method seems to be a no-op. ```go package main import...