ArtisanBashCompletion copied to clipboard
Completion for Laravel Artisan commands with bash.
Artisan-Bash completion
Bash completion code for Laravel Artisan command line tool to complete code. And also, you can use Artisan command any folders under a Laravel project.
Bash用のLaravel Artisanコマンドラインツールの補完スクリプトです。追加機能として、Laravelプロジェクトディレクトリー下のどのディレクトリー中でも、 Artisanコマンドを実行できるようにします。
Now for 5.1 LTS. 5.1LTS対応済みです。
This completion needed some linux tools like tr, find, xargs, sort, uniq and php. Especially notice gawk. If this don't work on your environment, check whether gawk is installed. Almost linux distribution installed as 'awk'. But some distribution didn't. Simple check typing 'gawk --help' in your terminal.
And bash complition package also needed.
この補完プログラムは基本的なLinuxツール(tr, find, xargs, sort, uniq, php)を使用しています。特に注意してもらいたのがgawkです。もし動作しない時は、最初にgawkがインストールされているかチェックしてください。ほとんどのディストリビューションでは'awk'としてgawkがインストールされています。しかし、オリジナルのawkしかインストールしていないディストリビューションもあります。端末でgawk --helpと叩きチェックするのが簡単でしょう。
それと、もちろんbash complitionのパッケージも必要です。
First of all, define alias for artisan command in your .bashrc, like this :
alias artisan='php "$(_get_artisan_dir)/artisan" --ansi'
Next, if you didn't install "bash-completion" package, so please install it.
Then simply, just copy code from into your .bashrc or .bash_profile or something else it will be include. This is the simplest way.
Or, place the directory for include completion codes, like /usr/share/bash-completion/ or /etc/bash_completion.d/. (I never try this way. But maybe it works also. :P)
Notion: If you use alter alias name for 'php artisan', so just change last line it combine alias and bash function.
complete -F _artisan_module Your-Alias-Name-Here
alias artisan='php "$(_get_artisan_dir)/artisan" --ansi'
注意: もし、artisan以外の別名を使用するときは、一番最後のコードを変更してください。
complete -F _artisan_module <お好きな別名をここに指定します>
If only type 'artisan', then hit <tab><tab>, it will show all Artisan commands and options.
$ artisan <tab><tab>
--ansi asset:publish key:generate queue:restart
--env= auth:clear-reminders list queue:retry
--help auth:reminders-controller migrate queue:subscribe
--no-ansi auth:reminders-table migrate:install queue:work
--no-interaction cache:clear migrate:make routes
--quiet changes migrate:publish serve
--verbose clear-compiled migrate:refresh session:table
--version command:make migrate:reset tail
-V config:publish migrate:rollback tinker
-h controller:make optimize up
-n db:seed queue:failed view:publish
-q down queue:failed-table workbench
-v dump-autoload queue:flush
-vv env queue:forget
-vvv help queue:listen
Type a part of commmands or option, then hit a <tab> key and/or more, so it will be completed or list fewer command.
$ artisan -<tab><tab>
--ansi --no-ansi --verbose -h -v
--env= --no-interaction --version -n -vv
--help --quiet -V -q -vvv
$ artisan mig<tab>
$ artisan migrate<tab><tab>
migrate migrate:make migrate:refresh migrate:rollback
migrate:install migrate:publish migrate:reset
$ artisan migrate:<tab><tab>
install make publish refresh reset rollback
$ artisan migrate:i<tab>
$ artisan migrate:install
After specified an Artisan command name, hit some <tab>s. So show list of options of the Artisan command.
$ artisan migrate:install<tab><tab>
$ artisan migrate:install -<tab><tab>
--ansi --help --quiet -V -q -vvv
--database= --no-ansi --verbose -h -v
--env= --no-interaction --version -n -vv
And show lists and complete it finally.
$ artisan migrate:install --no<tab>
$ artisan migrate:install --no-<tab>
--no-ansi --no-interaction
$ artisan migrate:install --no-a<tab>
$ artisan migrate:install --no-ansi
Inhibition of complitions
If you think too mach options displaying, so you can forbid some options you specified.
Set LARAVEL_NO_DISPLAY_OPTIONS environment variable.
# Normally, define in .bashrc/.bash_profile(通常、Bash設定ファイルの中で宣言)
export LARAVEL_NO_DISPLAY_OPTIONS="--ansi --no-ansi --version -v -vv -vvv"
For some long options, this will take more special completion.
For "--env=" option, it complete environment names.
$ artisan migrate --env=<tab><tab>
local production testing
As above list showed, default values are "local production testing". If you want your environment, set "$LARAVEL_ENVIRONMENT_WORDS".
上記のリストの通り、デフォルトでは"local production testing"が補完対象です。自分の環境名を設定したい場合は、"$LARAVEL_ENVIRONMENT_WORDS"を指定してください。
# Normally, define in .bashrc/.bash_profile(通常、Bash設定ファイルの中で宣言)
export LARAVEL_ENVIRONMENT_WORDS="development staging onservice"
File path
For a longopt tailed with "path", for instance "--path=", "--super-path=", etc., complete filename from current directory(project root).
$ artisan migrate --path=<tab><tab>
.gitattributes app/ bootstrap/ composer.lock public/ vendor/
.gitignore artisan composer.json phpunit.xml server.php
$ artisan migrate --path=ap<tab>
$ artisan migrate --path=app/<tab><tab>
commands/ controllers/ filters.php models/ start/ tests/
config/ database/ lang/ routes.php storage/ views/
As same as "path", the long options tailed with "dir", they will be completed as directory names.
$ artisan ide-helper:models --dir=<tab><tab>
app/ bootstrap/ public/ vendor/
Database connection name
For "--database=" option, off course database connection names will be completed.
$ artisan migrate --database=<tab><tab>
mysql pgsql sqlite sqlsrv
Database connection names will be collected from "database.php" files under project root recursively. So if you use this name without configuring database, may make an error. (Maybe normally, it will be ignore.)
File name @ anywhere
And anywhere, you can use "//", "./", "../", "~/" for completion of file names.
いつでも、"//", "./", "../", "~/"を使用すれば、ファイル名の補完が使用できます。
# Absolute file path from root directory.
# ルートディレクトリからの絶対パス
$ artisan dummy-command-name //<tab><tab>
# Relative path from current directory(projecto root).
# カレントディレクトリーからの相対パス
$ artisan dummy-command-name ./<tab><tab>
# Parent directory of project root.
# プロジェクトの親ディレクトリーからの相対パス
$ artisan dummy-command-name ../<tab><tab>
# Relative path from your home directory.
# ホームディレクトリーからの相対パス
$ artisan dummy-command-name ~/<tab><tab>
**Memo : ** Normally, you can use a readline key-map to filename completion. So you can also use it. To find it, just try it.
メモ: 通常、ファイル名の補完はreadlineのキーマップで定義されています。どのキーコンビネーションに指定されているかは、次のコマンドを実行すれば、見つけられます。
bind -p | grep complete-filename
If your key-bind is "\e/"(hit <Esc> key, then '/'), so use like following:
$ <esc>/<esc>/
app/ bootstrap/ composer.lock public/ vendor/
artisan composer.json phpunit.xml server.php
$ com<esc>/
$ composer.<esc>/<esc>/
composer.json composer.lock
$ composer.j<esc>/
$ composer.json
So, you can complete filename freely, anytime, anywhere.
Sorry for my poor English writing.
Fave Hun...oh Have fun!!