I have extended the BuildingCreator with functionality so it can (rudimentally) show an animation. Now it becomes evident that the mill shadows in the game do not rotate at all...
If this issue is too special to implement, maybe having an API/some plugin mechanism could help already. https://www.doxygen.nl/manual/arch.html All that it would take were some access point on the data...
Overloaded functions (I assume this is by inheritage not by parameter list) could be resolved using a \inherit command that would apply the parent method's documentation. Otherwise I like to...
Just wondering if there could be a workaround until this feature is supported natively. Is it feasible to generate XML output and read documentation/dependency information from there? If I had...
Oh that sounds marvellous and doable. Now assume I scan all the XML documents and unify them under one parent node. How would I find all the items to be...
I found the file, and at least the latest version of Doxygen contains the `qualifiedname`element in it's xsd. Yes, I found the formal definition - but none of it carries...
Here is the Doxygen file plus the source files required to generate the output. [example.zip](https://github.com/doxygen/doxygen/files/13629230/example.zip) But indeed the project is open source and reachable at Github: https://github.com/OoliteProject/oolite Doxygen documentation is...
@albert-github You asked for a concise example. How about this one (randomly picked): In [file src/Core/GameController.m on line 132](https://github.com/OoliteProject/oolite/blob/master/src/Core/GameController.m#L132) there is a function `void setGamePaused(bool)`. Just as almost anything in...
Thank you for that analysis. But what can I do with it? I'd still not know which piece I am missing. Should these Call Graph and References have been built...
On my machine the documentation builds within 30 seconds. We could deactivate the DOT graphs, but that seems to save only marginal runtime. Thus I tried to remove some of...