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Tensorflow r2.1 reimplementation of Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning


Tensorflow r2.1 reimplementation of Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning from this paper:

Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning for Fast Adaptation of Deep Networks

Reinforcement Learning part is adapted from MoritzTaylor/maml-rl-tf2 and tristandeleu/pytorch-maml-rl Sincerely Thanks for their fantastic works!!!

Project Requirements

  1. python 3.x
  2. Tensorflow r2.1
  3. numpy
  4. matplotlib
  5. ...
  6. All Scripts in image_classification folder is tested on python 3.6.5

MiniImagenet Dataset

I wrote a task generator which samples randomly from the whole dataset to set up a train batch during every training steps so it won't consume too much GPU memory.

For 5-way 1-shot tasks on the MiniImagenet, it takes at round 1.6 s to run one training steps on the GTX1070 and for each task update fast_weights 1 time, and it allocate 1.3GB GPU memory.

For 5-way 5-shot tasks on MiniImagenet, it takes at around 2.2 s to run one training steps.

If you set the --update_steps > 1, it will take more time for one training step.

  1. Download the MiniImagenet, and the split files train.csv, test.csv, val.csv from here

  2. Put the MiniImagenet dataset to your project folder like this

    |-- images
    	|--- n0153282900000005.jpg
    	|--- n0153282900000006.jpg
    |-- test.csv
    |-- train.csv
    |-- val.csv
  3. Run the python script to resize and split the whole dataset

    cd scripts/image_classification
    python --dataset=miniimagenet
  4. Modify the path to dataset in scripts/image_classification/

    if self.dataset == 'miniimagenet':
        META_TRAIN_DIR = '../../dataset/miniImagenet/train'
        META_VAL_DIR = '../../dataset/miniImagenet/test'
    if self.dataset == 'omniglot':
            DATA_FOLDER = '../../dataset/omniglot'
  5. Run the main python script

    cd scripts/image_classification
    # For 5-way 1-shot on miniimagenet
    python --dataset=miniimagenet --mode=train --n_way=5 --k_shot=1 --k_query=15
    # For 5-way 5-shot on miniimagenet
    python --dataset=miniimagenet --mode=train --n_way=5 --k_shot=5 --k_query=15

Omniglot Dataset

For Omniglot dataset, it will consume fewer computing resource and time

For 5-way 1-shot, 0.3 s for one training step

For 20-way 1-shot, 0.7 s for one training step

  1. Download Omniglot dataset from [here](git clone [email protected]:brendenlake/omniglot.git) and extract the contents of python/ and python/ to the dataset/omniglot it will looks like this:

    |-- Alphabet_of_the_Magi
    |-- Angelic
  2. Run the python script to resize the images

    cd scripts/image_classification
    python --dataset=omniglot
  3. Run the main python script

    cd scripts/image_classification
    # For 5-way 1-shot on Omniglot
    python --dataset=omniglot --mode=train --n_way=5 --k_shot=1 --k_query=1 --inner_lr=0.1
    # For 20-way 1-shot on Omniglot
    python --dataset=omniglot --mode=train --n_way=20 --k_shot=1 --k_query=1 --inner_lr=0.1


This project is, for the most part, a reproduction of the original implementation cbfinn/maml_rl in TensorFlow 2. The experiments are based on the paper

Chelsea Finn, Pieter Abbeel, and Sergey Levine. Model-agnostic meta-learning for fast adaptation of deep networks. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2017 [ArXiv]

If you want to cite this paper

  author    = {Chelsea Finn and Pieter Abbeel and Sergey Levine},
  title     = {Model-{A}gnostic {M}eta-{L}earning for {F}ast {A}daptation of {D}eep {N}etworks},
  journal   = {International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)},
  year      = {2017},
  url       = {}