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GraphQL Provider for AdonisJS Framework

Adonis GraphQL Provider

A GraphQL provider for the Adonis framework

This library provides an easy way to start using GraphQL with AdonisJS without losing the essence of it.

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adonis install adonis-gql

In the installation the start/graphql.js and start/gqlKernel.js files will be created.


Register the provider in start/app.js:

const providers = [
  // ...

Record the preLoads needed in server.js:

new Ignitor(require('@adonisjs/fold'))
  /* Register preLoads to GQLProvider */
  /* End */



To use adonis-gql you need to set Controllers and Schemas and configure them in the start/graphql.js file.


You can add middlewares to your resolvers, they can be global or named, so you need to create a middleware that has the gqlHandle method and register it.

class Auth {
  async gqlHandle (resolve, root, args, ctx, info) {
    const result = await resolve(parent, args, ctx, info)
    return result

module.exports = Auth

To use them you need to register them in the start/gqlKernel.js file:

// to use global

// to use named
  auth: 'App/Middleware/Auth'


The resolvers are in the directory app/Controllers/Gql.

Here the resolvers are separated by Queries, Mutations or a specific type. The file for Queries of Post staying in app/Controllers/Gql/Queries/PostController.js:

class PostController {
  async posts(parent, arg, ctx) {}

module.exports = PostController

The file for Mutations of Post staying in app/Controllers/Gql/Mutations/PostController.js:

class PostController {
  async addPost(parent, arg, ctx) {}

module.exports = PostController

For the sake of organization, adonis-gql create directories to separate the types app/Controllers/Gql/Queries and app/Controllers/Gql/Mutations.


You can add middlewares inside the Controller class with the static method called middlewares and it needs to return an object containing the keys with the previously registered middlewares:

class PostController {
  async posts(parent, arg, ctx) {}

  static middlewares () {
    return {
      posts: ['auth']

module.exports = PostController

Note that to add a middleware to all methods of the class use the keyword all:

static middlewares () {
  return {
    all: ['auth']


The schemas are in the directory app/Schemas.

The schema file should have the type name (a suggestion, not an obligation) and always end with the extension .graphql.

Following the example above, the file for the schema of Post staying in app/Schemas/Post.graphql:

type Query {
  posts: [Post]

type Mutation {
  addPost(title: String!, content: String!): Post

type Post {
  id: Id
  title: String
  content: String


The directives are in the directory app/Directives. The file for Deprecated directive staying in app/Directives/DeprecatedDirective.js:

'use strict'

const SchemaDirectiveVisitor = use('SchemaDirectiveVisitor')

class Deprecated extends SchemaDirectiveVisitor {
  visitFieldDefinition(field) {
    field.isDeprecated = true;
    field.deprecationReason = this.args.reason

  visitEnumValue(value) {
    value.isDeprecated = true;
    value.deprecationReason = this.args.reason

module.exports = Deprecated

The example was taken from Implementing schema directives.

Always a directive will be extended SchemaDirectiveVisitor /!\

Registering the resolvers and schemas

For effective use of resolvers and schemas it is necessary to register them in start/graphql.js:

const Gql = use('Gql')

// Here it has to be exactly that of the file defined in app/Schemas

Gql.query('Post', 'Queries/PostController')
Gql.mutation('Post', 'Mutations/PostController')

// Maybe you prefer to organize more.

Gql.schema('Post', () => {

You can add middlewares to the schemas and resolvers respectively, note that the middlewares called in the schema will be applied to the resolvers that involves.

Gql.schema('Post', () => {

It's the same as:

Gql.schema('Post', () => {

Registering the directive

Following the same train of thought you can add the directive in AdonisGql. The first argument is its name and the second its controller, register them in start/graphql.js:

const Gql = use('Gql')

Gql.directive('deprecated', 'DeprecatedDirective')


Finally, it is necessary to configure the handle do adonis-gql in the route that you want.

In the file start/routes.js:

// ...
const Gql = use('Gql')'/', ctx => Gql.handle(ctx))
// If you want a playground
Route.get('/graphiql', ctx => Gql.handleUi(ctx))


Command Description Options
adonis gql:schema <name> Make a new schema to graphql -r Generate resolvers query and mutation for the schema
-q Generate only query resolver for the schema
-m Generate only mutation resolver for the schema
adonis gql:resolver <name> Make a new resolver to graphql -q Generate only query resolver for the schema
-m Generate only mutation resolver for the schema
adonis gql:directive <name> Make a new directive to graphql
adonis gql:middleware <name> Make a new middleware to graphql


Thank you very much to the creators of AdonisJS for creating this wonderful framework.

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