Sudoers is not the best policy system but that is the default helloSystem one, And actually the only one. We should start a fine tuning of sudoers policy. It have...
Hi, You probably know TinyDNS was a D. J. Bernstein tools (https://cr.yp.to/djbdns/tinydns.html) That tools support a configuration file really "Tiny" and really easy to maintain. -> https://cr.yp.to/djbdns/tinydns-data.html The original config...
Look strange but i have follow the Readme. And i haven't understand how set the password for simply enter inside my session. Yes the documentation work ... And if i...
Best sphinx publication warning a lot about fixe version of package use for generate the documentation. For that pip-compile is the way. Unfortunatlly i have to add sphinx-notfound-page because the...
## Conver by it Pull Request - Migrate to ``pyproject.toml`` - Create ``image-go-nord`` entry point ## Usage ### Installation - Normal ``` shell pip install . ``` ### Installation -...
The documentation hide inside code should be parse by a framework like `sphinx` or `mkdocs`, I recommand `sphinx` for it **autodocs** plugins. The docstring format is not a issue but...
The palette color use by `convert_image_by_model` (PalettNet) look to require a minimal color number. That is incompatible with `reset_color_palette` and `add` color options. Less as a certain amount of color...
I'm motivate to code a xbps wapper command, but before anything i asking why it's not all ready the case. Look command set of xbps permit a easy refactoring, by...