Call-Recorder icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Call-Recorder copied to clipboard

Automatic call recorder app for Android (Rooted Device).

Results 3 Call-Recorder issues
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Build file 'D:\Call-Recorder-master\build.gradle' line: 11 A problem occurred evaluating root project 'Call Recorder'. > Could not find method android() for arguments [build_167v0x5ai1fbim7nk5bm5pyr$_run_closure2@66021c25] on root project 'Call Recorder' of type org.gradle.api.Project....

Hello, In the Installation section you have provided two methods to install your apps. By using the 1st method I am able to run the app and record calls but...

The app won't open and i think the issue is call log's permission which even if i select as allow would revert back to don't allow here's the log time:...