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RandoPhp is a open source library that implements random generators (Integer, Char, Byte, Sequences, Boolean) and take random sample from arrays


CICD Github Actions GitHub last commit GitHub Release Date Packagist PHP Version Support Testing RandoPHP, PHP 8, 7.4, 7.3 RandoPHP

RandoPHP is a PHP open source package for random stuff. With this package you can:

  • Draw: Extract random items (sample) from an array. This is useful when you want to "draw" some numbers or items;
  • Generate: useful for create random
    • item like integer, byte, boolean, float, lat/long coordinates, char (numeric, alphabetic, alphanumeric);
    • sequences like array of integer or char;

With the fluent interface you can control some things like:

  • minimum and maximum value for generation;
  • how many items you want to create;
  • for sequences if you want or not duplicates ([1,5,3,1,1], 1 is duplicate or [1,6,5,3,8], no duplicates);
  • And other stuff, see the documentation for more options.

Table of contents

  • Installation
  • Usage, how to generate:
    • Random char
    • Random boolean
    • Random float
    • Random integer
    • Random Bytes
    • Random Date
    • Random Sequences
    • Random Chars
  • Usage, how to extract random values from array/list


You can install the package via composer:

composer require hi-folks/rando-php


In order to import the right class:

use HiFolks\RandoPhp\Randomize;

Generate Char

Sometimes you want to obtain a random char, for example, a numeric char:


Or you might want an alphabetic char ():


You can even do both!


You can generate a lower case char:


You can generate an upper case char:


You can generate a special character. A special character is one of '!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~':


Generate Boolean

Sometimes you want to obtain a random boolean true or false (flip a coin):

$randomBool = Randomize::boolean()->generate();

Generate a Float

Sometimes you want to obtain a random float (default min - max range of 0.0 - 1.0). For example, you want to generate a random temperature for a day:

$randomFloat = Randomize::float()->generate();

Or you can set the min - max range of 0 - 90 , which is equivalent to ->min(0)->max(90)

$randomFloat = Randomize::float()->min(0)->max(90)->generate();

Generate an Integer

Sometimes you want to obtain a random integer (min - max range). For example, you want to roll the dice:

$randomNumber = Randomize::integer()->min(1)->max(6)->generate();

The same thing using range() method, instead of min() and max():

$randomNumber = Randomize::integer()->range(1,6)->generate();

You can use a shortcut helper to generate an integer calling the constructor with min and max:

$randomNumber = Randomize::integer(1,6)->generate();

Generate bytes

Sometime you want to obtain some random bytes (hexadecimal). For example, you want to generate a random RGB color (a hex triplet in hexadecimal format):

$randomRGB = Randomize::byte()->length(3)->generate();

Generate a Date

Sometimes you want to obtain a random date. For example, you want to generate a random date:

$randomDate = Randomize::datetime()->generate();

By default, a date between the first day of current year to the last day of current year. If you want to define the range, for example a range of 01 Jan 2020 to 10 Jan 2020, which is equivalent to ->min('2020–01–01')->max('2020–01–10'):

$randomDate = Randomize::datetime()->min('2020–01–01')->max('2020–01–10')->generate();

You can even specify your preferred format for the random date generated, by using format() method:

$randomDate = Randomize::datetime()->format('d-M-Y')->generate();

You can use min() and max() with format():

$randomDate = Randomize::datetime()->min('2020–01–01')->max('2020–01–10')->format('d-M-Y')->generate();

With the latest example you can obtain something like: "05-Jan-2020".

Generate sequences

Sometimes, you want to obtain some random sequences. For example, you want to roll the dice 15 times:

$randomRolls = Randomize::sequence()->min(1)->max(6)->count(15)->generate();

Sometime you want to obtain some random char sequences. For example, char sequences of length 10:

$randomChars = Randomize::sequence()->chars()->count(10)->generate();

Or you might want numeric char sequences.

$randomChars = Randomize::sequence()->chars()->numeric()->count(10)->generate();

Or you might want alphabetical char sequences.

$randomChars = Randomize::sequence()->chars()->alpha()->count(10)->generate();

Yes, even both.

$randomChars = Randomize::sequence()->chars()->alphanumeric()->count(10)->generate();

You want 20 lower case chars:


You want 20 upper case chars:


Sometime you want to obtain some random sequences with no duplicates. For example, you want to play "Tombola" (extracting number from 1 to 90 with NO duplicates):

$randomTombola = Randomize::sequence()->min(1)->max(90)->count(90)->noDuplicates()->generate();

Sometime you want to obtain some random char sequences with no duplicates.

$randomChars = Randomize::sequence()->chars()->count(10)->noDuplicates()->generate();

Or you might want numeric char sequences with no duplicates. For example, char sequences of length 10:

$randomChars = Randomize::sequence()->chars()->numeric()->count(10)->noDuplicates()->generate();

Or you might want alphabetical char sequences with no duplicates.

$randomChars = Randomize::sequence()->chars()->alpha()->count(10)->noDuplicates()->generate();

Yes, even both and with no duplicates.

$randomChars = Randomize::sequence()->chars()->alphanumeric()->count(10)->noDuplicates()->generate();

Random String

If you want to generate random string (alphanumeric, only letters, only numbers, with no duplication, lower case, upper case etc) you can use Random Chars generation. To generate a string use Randomize::chars():

$string = Randomize::chars()->generate();

Default behaviour is:

  • 10 chars;
  • only letters (a-z);
  • lowercase;
  • duplication is allowed (the string 'aba' has a duplication for 'a' char).

You can change the default values with some methods and parameters. Method to set the type of chars (numeric, alpha, alphanumeric...):

  • alpha() : 'a-z', 'A-Z';
  • alphanumeric() : 'a-z', 'A-Z', '0-9';
  • numeric() : '0-9';
  • alphaLowerCase() : 'a-z';
  • alphaUpperCase() : 'A-Z';
  • specialCharacters() : !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~

You have also some methods to "control" the output, for example avoid duplications:

  • unique() : it generates a string with at most one occurrence per character.

String with numeric chars ('0'-'9')

If you want to generate a string with 16 chars, made with numeric chars ('0'-'9'):

$string = Randomize::chars(16)->numeric()->generate(); 

You could obtain something like this '3963233500573002'.

String with 20 chars, lower case, just letters, no dups

If you want to obtain a string with 20 chars, lower case and just letters ('a'-'z'), and you want to avoid character duplications ( alphaLowerCase() and unique() ):

$string = Randomize::chars(20)->alphaLowerCase()->unique()->generate();

You could obtain something like this: 'nmbsjhrgdyfxwoltqkzp'.

String with 20 chars, letters and special characters

If you want to obtain a string with 20 chars, with letters and special characters:

$string = Randomize::chars(20)->specialCharacters()->alpha()->generate();

You could obtain something like this: 'IOgPckeGGifrD%DRy[*!'.

Draw random stuff

If you have a list of values and you want to extract/select/draw one or more elements, you could use Draw class instead of Randomize. For using Draw class you need to import:

use HiFolks\RandoPhp\Draw;

Suggest which programming language you could use in your next project (random)

use HiFolks\RandoPhp\Draw;

$randomLanguage = Draw::sample(["PHP", "Python", "Golang", "Javascript"])->snap();

Suggest which JS framework you could use in your next project (random)

$array=["React.js", "Vue.js", "Svelte.js", "Angular.js" , "Alpine.js", "Vanilla js"];
$randomJs = Draw::sample($array)->extract();

Extract 3 JS framework you could use in your next project

$array=["React.js", "Vue.js", "Svelte.js", "Angular.js" , "Alpine.js", "Vanilla js"];
$randomJs = Draw::sample($array)->count(3)->extract();

Extract 3 JS framework (duplicates allowed)

$array = ["React.js", "Vue.js", "Svelte.js", "Angular.js", "Alpine.js", "Vanilla js"];
$randomJs = Draw::sample($array)->count(3)->allowDuplicates()->extract();


composer test

If you want to see some coverage report you can execute phpunit with coverage-text option:

vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text

Warning :warning:

Under the hood RandoPHP uses some native PHP functions like:

These PHP functions use a pseudo random number generator that is not suitable for cryptographic purposes.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Submit ideas or feature requests or issues

Take a look if your request is already there https://github.com/Hi-Folks/rando-php/issues If it is not present, you can create a new one https://github.com/Hi-Folks/rando-php/issues/new



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.