hexlet-exercise-kit copied to clipboard
Kit for Hexlet lesson creators
This is a complete kit for teachers who want to create exercises on the Hexlet platform.
- Docker
- Node.js
- Make
- Ubuntu, macOS or WSL (for Windows)
git clone [email protected]:Hexlet/hexlet-exercise-kit.git
cd hexlet-exercise-kit
make setup
If you have access to clone Hexlet repositories:
- create a personal access token on this page: https://gitlab.hexlet.io/-/profile/personal_access_tokens
- add created token to .env file
# Adjust this value for faster or slower speed of repositories download
make clone
# if your .ssh catalog has specific path:
make clone SSH_KEYS_PATH=/specific/path/to/your/.ssh
For pulling into cloned repos:
make rebase
Using hexlet linters
# install/update all hexlet linters
make update-hexlet-linters
# install/update one hexlet linter. For example, eslint
make update-hexlet-linter L=eslint
Run exercise
cd <path/to/exercise/catalog>
make build # build exercise container
make start # run exercise and listen port 80
make test # run tests
make lint-js # run linter
make lint-hexlet-js # check exercise with linter, as in production
For frontend exercise after make start
open http://localhost:80 in your browser.
make stop # stopped container
Copy a course from Code-Basics to Hexlet
make copy-from-cb I=path-to-source O=path-to-destination
Run markdown linter
Add Makefile
in the course directory:
include ../../../course.mk
and run:
make markdown-lint # view error list
make markdown-lint-fix # fix errors
New stuff
mkdir -p exercises/ru/course-<name>/<lesson-name>_exercise
Run LanguageTool
- Install LanguageTool for your code editor. For example VS Code LanguageTool Linter
- Set URL of your LanguageTool server. Defaults to localhost on port 8081
- Run LanguageTool server
make start-languagetool
- Stop LanguageTool server
make stop-languagetool
Unable to find image 'hexlet/gitlab-downloader:latest' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for hexlet/gitlab-downloader, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied.
See 'docker run --help'.
Build downloader make build-downloader
or see setup or fresh installation