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Integrates Vue with Grapher in an easy-to-use way

Grapher + Vue

This package makes using Grapher with Vue in Meteor easier and more declarative.

It automatically subscribes to your queries when the component is loaded, and unsubscribes to them when the component is destroyed.

Query parameters are reactive, using Vue's reactivity. So if you for example use this.limit in your query, it will update the query and subscription when this.limit changes. If you use @mitar's fork of Tracker, it will also respond to reactive Meteor variables.

BREAKING CHANGE: Beginning with 1.0, instead of the result being in, the result is the root object, and the extra properties are prefixed with $.


meteor add herteby:grapher-vue
import GrapherVue from 'meteor/herteby:grapher-vue'


  <div v-if="users.$readyOnce">
    Users: {{users.$count}} of {{users.$fullCount}}<br>
    Time taken: {{users.$time}}ms
    <div v-for="user in users">
    <button v-if="users.$count < users.$fullCount" @click="limit += 20">Load more</button>
  <div v-else>Loading...</div>

  export default {
      return {
        return {

Demo repo


Property Type Required/Default Description
collection Mongo.Collection Required The root collection for the query
query Object Required Argument for Grapher's createQuery()
subscribe Boolean Defaults to true If set to false, uses a method call instead. The result structure is the same regardless
single Boolean or String Defaults to false If set to true, it will work like fetchOne(), and adds $options:{limit:1} to the query. If a String, it also adds $filters:{_id:theString}
fullCount Boolean Defaults to false If true, getCount() will be called to fetch the full count from the server. Useful if you have set a limit on the query
countOnly Boolean Defaults to false If true, only getCount() will be called, and no data will be fetched. Useful for notification badges and such. Instead of the normal format, the result will simply be false initially, and then when getCount() returns, a Number representing the count.
disabled Boolean Defaults to false Disable the query. Use with a reactive Vue variable if you for example want to wait for the user to input a search string, or select which document to show

Extra result properties

Property Type Description
$ready Boolean Wether the subscription has finished fetching all documents
$readyOnce Boolean Unlike ready, this will remain true if the subscription is later changed (useful for loading indicators)
$count Number Number of results
$fullCount Number or false Only available if you set fullCount or countOnly to true.
This will initially be set to false. Once the getCount() server call returns, this will be updated with the count
$time Number How many milliseconds it took to fetch all the data
$disabled Boolean If it's disabled

If you need to get rid of these for some reason, just use this Lodash function:

_.omitBy(result, key => key[0] == '$') //_.omit in Underscore