Hero icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Hero copied to clipboard

Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS

Results 41 Hero issues
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## What did you do? My trasition animation process like this: 1. B viewcontroller is in a navigation controller, then presenting I viewcontroller which enable hero and b.hero.id == i.hero.id,...

Is there any solution? please help me😂

It's working fine while i present the controller and presented Hero View springs well and fine. But while i am dismissing the view controller, dismissed Hero View doesn't springs. I...

Hi, Presenting a navigation controller with: Background clear ModalPresentationStyle = overFullScreen The vc under the new vc is black when I move the upper vc, disabling hero I see it...

Just in my case i modal present with hero from controller1 to UINavigationController with controller2. So for correct animation i should enable hero for navigationController . But that does not...

这个问题被提到过多次,但我没有找到解决方案和任何有用的回答,那些问题就被关闭了,所以我再提一次! 我在navigation控制器上启用了hero,在子页面中的所有hero动画效果都正常。 但navigation控制器是嵌入在tabbar控制器中的,当我push到子页面的时候,我需要隐藏tabbar,hidesBottomBarWhenPushed 已设置为true。 但tabbar没有任何动画效果,依然显示,当push完成时,tabbar会突然消失。 pop也一样,在操作完成之前,tabbar仍然不可见,pop完成后,tabbar会突然出现。 我的问题: 我如何在push的同时添加一个动画,让tabbar与系统原本的动画一样消失和显示? 如果做不到,就直接告诉我,让我死了用hero的这个心吧

```swift view.heroModifiers = [ .when({ $0.isMatched && $0.matchedView?.alpha != 0 && $0.view.alpha != 0 }, [ .forceNonFade, .when({ ($0.isAppearing && $0.isPresenting || !$0.isAppearing && !$0.isPresenting) }, .opacity(0)), ]), ] ```...

Following is my code, second view transparent is only worked with Hero default animation (fade in). If I used other animation, alpha become 1 I think. Btw, how to set...

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when using modal presentation with .overFullScreen (or overCurrentContext) dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) works fine but dismiss(animated: false, completion: nil) causes black screen ![hero](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4669731/27905984-0a943c92-6242-11e7-8e09-79c6ea9344ce.gif) here is the test project [project.zip](https://github.com/lkzhao/Hero/files/1127433/project.zip)

confirmed bug
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Why Hero Transition Animation doesn't work when I push a new viewController into UINavigationController or setting as a root view controller?

confirmed bug
need help
good first issue