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The C++ Web Framework (CWF) is a MVC web framework, Open Source, under MIT License, using C++ with Qt to be used in the development of web applications.
Thanks for your great work! I used CWF in my opensource online wiki/doc and collaboration project Tsailun - https://github.com/lisupeng/tsailun I found CWF won't use the disk cache protocol. Below is...
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我是在使用了vite 的proxy 进行接口转发时发现的此类问题,应该是vite的代理将我原来的header全部转为小写了,例如将 Content-Length:256368 转为了content-length:256368 这样无法正确读取到body的总长度,因此body长度一旦超过tcp窗口的最大值,则无法正确运行httpreadrequest.cpp 中 HttpReadRequest::readBody的逻辑,导致我无法继续接收下一个tcp包的body数据,所以我的post body被截断了。 修改如下: 在cwf/httpparser.cpp中 56-68行 void HttpParser::doParseHttpHeader(QByteArray &httpMessage) int size = lines.size(); for(int i = 1, column = 0; i < size; ++i)...