magic-address icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
magic-address copied to clipboard

Autofill address form fields based in a given CEP number.

Magic Address

See a live demo here.

Autofill address form fields based in a given CEP number, using the Postmon API.


Install MagicAddress in your project with:

npm i -S magic-address

Or manually grab a copy of magic-address.js or magic-address.min.js in dist folder.


ES6 environment:

import MagicAddress from 'magic-address'


CommonJS environment:

var MagicAddress = require('magic-address')


Or in old school global reference for non ES6 / CommonJS environments:


You can pass options to .start() method as well:

  selectors: {
    inputCEP: '.custom-cep-selector',
    inputAddress: '.custom-address-selector',
    inputNumber: '.custom-number-selector',
    inputNeighborhood: '.custom-neighborhood-selector',
    inputCity: '.custom-city-selector',
    inputState: '.custom-state-selector'


2.0.0 - 01/27/2019

  • Drop Promise and Object.assign polyfills, provide your own if you need it.
  • Switch build system from Webpack to Rollup.

1.1.0 - 14/02/2018

  • Old stuff like Grunt, Browserify, JSHint, JSCS were replaced in favor of Webpack, JSLint and NPM Scripts.
  • Added a LICENSE.txt file, to follow proper licensing guidelines.
  • Removed unnecessary demo directory in project root.

1.0.4 - 10/06/2016

  • Add live demo.
  • Update es6-promise polyfill.
  • Use https to call the CEP API.

1.0.3 - 09/13/2016

  • Adjust the module export method. No more .default when importing the module.

1.0.2 - 09/13/2016

  • Add keywords in package.json.

1.0.0 - 09/13/2016

  • Initial release