future icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
future copied to clipboard

resolve.list: NAs introduced by coercion to integer range

Open tyner opened this issue 7 months ago • 0 comments


I am using s3fs::s3_file_exists which relies on some functionality from future. Not sure whether the problem is in s3fs or future but figured I would start here; if it turns out I am barking up the wrong tree then please accept my apologies and I'll take it up with @DyfanJones

Describe the bug

It mostly works, but occasionally I encounter a warning of the form:

Error in as.list.environment(environment(), all.names = TRUE) : (converted from warning) NAs introduced by coercion to integer range

Relevant portions from the stack trace when the condition occurs

6: s3fs$file_exists(path) 7: future_vapply(seq_along(s3_parts), function(i) { retry_api_call(tryCatch({ self$s3_client$head_object(Bucket = s3_parts[[i]]$Bucket, Key = s3_parts[[i]]$Key, VersionId = s3_parts[[i]] 8: future_lapply(X, FUN = function(x, ...) { value <- x_FUN(x, ...) if (length(value) != times) { stopf("values must be length %d, but FUN(X[[ii]]) result is length %d", times, lengt 9: future_xapply(FUN = FUN, nX = nX, chunk_args = X, args = list(...), get_chunk = chunkWith[[, expr = expr, envir = envir, future.envir = future.envir, future.globals = future.globals, future.pac 10: value(fs) 11: value.list(fs) 12: resolve(y, result = TRUE, stdout = stdout, signal = signal, force = TRUE) 13: resolve.list(y, result = TRUE, stdout = stdout, signal = signal, force = TRUE) 14: signalConditionsASAP(obj, resignal = FALSE, pos = ii) 15: signalConditions(obj, exclude = getOption("future.relay.immediate", "immediateCondition"), resignal = resignal, ...) 16: warning(condition) 17: withRestarts({ .Internal(.signalCondition(cond, message, call)) .Internal(.dfltWarn(message, call)) }, muffleWarning = function() NULL) 18: withOneRestart(expr, restarts[[1]]) 19: doWithOneRestart(return(expr), restart)

If I enter frame 13 and inspect the first argument, it is a list containing an environment.

Debugging output

If I turn options(future.debug = TRUE) and re-run, the tail end of the debugging output is:

[12:35:03.420] - copied ‘...future.FUN’ to environment [12:35:03.420] - copied ‘x_FUN’ to environment [12:35:03.420] - copied ‘times’ to environment [12:35:03.420] - copied ‘stopf’ to environment [12:35:03.420] - copied ‘stop_if_not’ to environment [12:35:03.421] - copied ‘dim’ to environment [12:35:03.421] - copied ‘valid_types’ to environment [12:35:03.421] - copied ‘retry_api_call’ to environment [12:35:03.421] - copied ‘self’ to environment [12:35:03.421] - copied ‘s3_parts’ to environment [12:35:03.422] - copied ‘future.call.arguments’ to environment [12:35:03.422] - copied ‘...future.elements_ii’ to environment [12:35:03.422] - copied ‘...future.seeds_ii’ to environment [12:35:03.422] - copied ‘...future.globals.maxSize’ to environment [12:35:03.422] assign_globals() ... done [12:35:03.423] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack: [12:35:03.423] List of future strategies: [12:35:03.423] 1. sequential: [12:35:03.423] - args: function (..., envir = parent.frame()) [12:35:03.423] - tweaked: FALSE [12:35:03.423] - call: NULL [12:35:03.424] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1 [12:35:03.455] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack: [12:35:03.455] List of future strategies: [12:35:03.455] 1. sequential: [12:35:03.455] - args: function (..., envir = parent.frame()) [12:35:03.455] - tweaked: FALSE [12:35:03.455] - call: NULL [12:35:03.455] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1 [12:35:03.456] SequentialFuture started (and completed) [12:35:03.456] signalConditions() ... [12:35:03.456] - include = ‘immediateCondition’ [12:35:03.456] - exclude = [12:35:03.456] - resignal = FALSE [12:35:03.457] - Number of conditions: 1 [12:35:03.457] signalConditions() ... done [12:35:03.457] - Launch lazy future ... done [12:35:03.457] run() for ‘SequentialFuture’ ... done [12:35:03.457] Created future: [12:35:03.458] SequentialFuture: [12:35:03.458] Label: ‘future_vapply-1’ [12:35:03.458] Expression: [12:35:03.458] { [12:35:03.458] do.call(function(...) { [12:35:03.458] ...future.globals.maxSize.org <- getOption("future.globals.maxSize") [12:35:03.458] if (!identical(...future.globals.maxSize.org, ...future.globals.maxSize)) { [12:35:03.458] oopts <- options(future.globals.maxSize = ...future.globals.maxSize) [12:35:03.458] on.exit(options(oopts), add = TRUE) [12:35:03.458] } [12:35:03.458] { [12:35:03.458] lapply(seq_along(...future.elements_ii), FUN = function(jj) { [12:35:03.458] ...future.X_jj <- ...future.elements_ii[[jj]] [12:35:03.458] assign(".Random.seed", ...future.seeds_ii[[jj]], [12:35:03.458] envir = globalenv(), inherits = FALSE) [12:35:03.458] ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...) [12:35:03.458] }) [12:35:03.458] } [12:35:03.458] }, args = future.call.arguments) [12:35:03.458] } [12:35:03.458] Lazy evaluation: FALSE [12:35:03.458] Asynchronous evaluation: FALSE [12:35:03.458] Local evaluation: TRUE [12:35:03.458] Environment: 0x4eabf60 [12:35:03.458] Capture standard output: TRUE [12:35:03.458] Capture condition classes: ‘condition’ (excluding ‘nothing’) [12:35:03.458] Globals: 14 objects totaling 6.65 MiB (function ‘...future.FUN’ of 21.22 KiB, function ‘x_FUN’ of 33.90 KiB, integer ‘times’ > of 56 bytes, function ‘stopf’ of 26.43 KiB, function ‘stop_if_not’ of 44.12 KiB, ...) [12:35:03.458] Packages: [12:35:03.458] L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG seed: (seed = NULL) [12:35:03.458] Resolved: TRUE [12:35:03.458] Value: 56 bytes of class ‘list’ [12:35:03.458] Conditions captured: [n=1] ‘simpleWarning’ [12:35:03.458] Early signaling: FALSE [12:35:03.458] Owner process: 0b40f994-65e5-eb10-4703-a7af376e8e02 [12:35:03.458] Class: ‘SequentialFuture’, ‘UniprocessFuture’, ‘Future’, ‘environment’ [12:35:03.464] Chunk #1 of 1 ... DONE [12:35:03.464] Launching 1 futures (chunks) ... DONE [12:35:03.464] Resolving 1 futures (chunks) ... [12:35:03.464] resolve() on list ... [12:35:03.465] recursive: 0 [12:35:03.465] length: 1 [12:35:03.465] [12:35:03.466] resolved() for ‘SequentialFuture’ ... [12:35:03.466] - state: ‘finished’ [12:35:03.466] - run: TRUE [12:35:03.466] - result: ‘FutureResult’ [12:35:03.467] resolved() for ‘SequentialFuture’ ... done [12:35:03.467] Future #1 [12:35:03.467] signalConditions() ... [12:35:03.468] - include = ‘immediateCondition’ [12:35:03.468] - exclude = [12:35:03.468] - resignal = FALSE [12:35:03.468] - Number of conditions: 1 [12:35:03.469] signalConditions() ... done [12:35:03.469] signalConditionsASAP(SequentialFuture, pos=1) ... [12:35:03.469] - nx: 1 [12:35:03.470] - relay: TRUE [12:35:03.470] - stdout: TRUE [12:35:03.470] - signal: TRUE [12:35:03.470] - resignal: FALSE [12:35:03.470] - force: TRUE [12:35:03.471] - relayed: [n=1] FALSE [12:35:03.471] - queued futures: [n=1] FALSE [12:35:03.471] - until=1 [12:35:03.471] - relaying element #1 [12:35:03.472] signalConditions() ... [12:35:03.472] - include = ‘immediateCondition’ [12:35:03.472] - exclude = [12:35:03.473] - resignal = FALSE [12:35:03.473] - Number of conditions: 1 [12:35:03.473] signalConditions() ... done [12:35:03.474] signalConditions() ... [12:35:03.474] - include = ‘immediateCondition’ [12:35:03.474] - exclude = [12:35:03.474] - resignal = FALSE [12:35:03.475] - Number of conditions: 1 [12:35:03.475] signalConditions() ... done [12:35:03.475] signalConditions() ... [12:35:03.476] - include = ‘condition’ [12:35:03.476] - exclude = ‘immediateCondition’ [12:35:03.476] - resignal = TRUE [12:35:03.476] - Number of conditions: 1 [12:35:03.477] - Condition #1: ‘simpleWarning’, ‘warning’, ‘condition’ Error in as.list.environment(environment(), all.names = TRUE) : (converted from warning) NAs introduced by coercion to integer range [12:35:03.477] signalConditions() ... done [12:35:03.478] - relayed: [n=1] FALSE [12:35:03.478] - queued futures: [n=1] TRUE [12:35:03.478] signalConditionsASAP(SequentialFuture, pos=1) ... done

Not sure if any of that is helpful; happy to post more details as warranted.

Expected behavior

Again, not sure whether the problem is in s3fs or future, but it would be nice to have a more descriptive warning.

Session information

> sessionInfo()

R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22) Platform: x86_64-koji-linux-gnu (64-bit) Running under: Amazon Linux 2

Matrix products: default BLAS/LAPACK: /usr/lib64/R/lib/libRblas.so

Random number generation: RNG: L'Ecuyer-CMRG Normal: Inversion Sample: Rejection


attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base

loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [1] Rcpp_1.0.12 lgr_0.4.4 codetools_0.2-16 listenv_0.9.1 future_1.33.2 digest_0.6.35 crayon_1.5.2 parallelly_1.37.1 paws.common_0.7.3
[10] R6_2.5.1 jsonlite_1.8.8 httr_1.4.7 future.apply_1.11.2 curl_5.2.1 fs_1.6.4 data.table_1.15.4 s3fs_0.1.5 tools_4.0.2
[19] paws.storage_0.6.0 parallel_4.0.2 compiler_4.0.2 globals_0.16.3

> future::futureSessionInfo()

*** Package versions future 1.33.2, parallelly 1.37.1, parallel 4.0.2, globals 0.16.3, listenv 0.9.1

*** Allocations availableCores(): system cgroups.cpuset nproc 16 16 16 availableWorkers(): $cgroups.cpuset [1] "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost"

$nproc [1] "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost"

$system [1] "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost"

*** Settings - future.plan= - future.fork.multithreading.enable= - future.globals.maxSize= - future.globals.onReference= - future.resolve.recursive= - future.rng.onMisuse= - future.wait.timeout= - future.wait.interval= - future.wait.alpha= - future.startup.script=

*** Backends Number of workers: 1 List of future strategies:

  1. sequential:
    • args: function (..., envir = parent.frame())
    • tweaked: FALSE
    • call: NULL

*** Basic tests Main R session details: pid r sysname release version nodename machine login user effective_user 1 25128 4.0.2 Linux 4.14.232-177.418.amzn2.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jun 15 20:57:50 UTC 2021 host001 x86_64 user001 user001 user001 [12:51:12.531] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... [12:51:12.531] Searching for globals... [12:51:12.534] - globals found: [9] ‘{’, ‘Sys.sleep’, ‘delay’, ‘data.frame’, ‘ii’, ‘Sys.getpid’, ‘getRversion’, ‘as.list’, ‘Sys.info’ [12:51:12.535] Searching for globals ... DONE [12:51:12.535] Resolving globals: FALSE [12:51:12.536] The total size of the 2 globals is 112 bytes (112 bytes) [12:51:12.536] The total size of the 2 globals exported for future expression (‘{; Sys.sleep(delay); data.frame(worker = ii, pid = Sys.getpid(), r = getRversion(),; as.list(Sys.info())); }’) is 112 bytes.. This exceeds the maximum allowed size of 500.00 MiB (option 'future.globals.maxSize'). There are two globals: ‘delay’ (56 bytes of class ‘numeric’) and ‘ii’ (56 bytes of class ‘numeric’) [12:51:12.537] - globals: [2] ‘delay’, ‘ii’ [12:51:12.537] [12:51:12.537] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE [12:51:12.538] run() for ‘Future’ ... [12:51:12.538] - state: ‘created’ [12:51:12.538] - Future backend: ‘FutureStrategy’, ‘sequential’, ‘uniprocess’, ‘future’, ‘function’ [12:51:12.538] - Future class: ‘SequentialFuture’, ‘UniprocessFuture’, ‘Future’, ‘environment’ [12:51:12.539] - Copy elements of temporary ‘SequentialFuture’ to final ‘Future’ object ... [12:51:12.539] - Field: ‘label’ [12:51:12.539] - Field: ‘local’ [12:51:12.539] - Field: ‘owner’ [12:51:12.539] - Field: ‘envir’ [12:51:12.540] - Field: ‘packages’ [12:51:12.540] - Field: ‘gc’ [12:51:12.540] - Field: ‘conditions’ [12:51:12.540] - Field: ‘expr’ [12:51:12.540] - Field: ‘uuid’ [12:51:12.540] - Field: ‘seed’ [12:51:12.541] - Field: ‘version’ [12:51:12.541] - Field: ‘result’ [12:51:12.541] - Field: ‘asynchronous’ [12:51:12.541] - Field: ‘calls’ [12:51:12.541] - Field: ‘globals’ [12:51:12.541] - Field: ‘stdout’ [12:51:12.542] - Field: ‘earlySignal’ [12:51:12.542] - Field: ‘lazy’ [12:51:12.542] - Field: ‘state’ [12:51:12.542] - Copy elements of temporary ‘SequentialFuture’ to final ‘Future’ object ... done [12:51:12.542] - Launch lazy future ... [12:51:12.543] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 0): [12:51:12.543] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): [12:51:12.544] { [12:51:12.544] { [12:51:12.544] { [12:51:12.544] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time() [12:51:12.544] { [12:51:12.544] { [12:51:12.544] { [12:51:12.544] base::local({ [12:51:12.544] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future", [12:51:12.544] quietly = TRUE) [12:51:12.544] if (has_future) { [12:51:12.544] ns <- base::getNamespace("future") [12:51:12.544] version <- ns[[".package"]][["version"]] [12:51:12.544] if (is.null(version)) [12:51:12.544] version <- utils::packageVersion("future") [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] else { [12:51:12.544] version <- NULL [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") { [12:51:12.544] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ", [12:51:12.544] "", base::R.version$version.string), [12:51:12.544] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)", [12:51:12.544] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer), [12:51:12.544] os = base::paste(base::Sys.info()[base::c("sysname", [12:51:12.544] "release", "version")], collapse = " "), [12:51:12.544] hostname = base::Sys.info()[["nodename"]]) [12:51:12.544] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info), [12:51:12.544] info) [12:51:12.544] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ") [12:51:12.544] if (!has_future) { [12:51:12.544] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)", [12:51:12.544] info) [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] else { [12:51:12.544] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s", [12:51:12.544] info, version) [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] base::stop(msg) [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] }) [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] ...future.strategy.old <- future::plan("list") [12:51:12.544] options(future.plan = NULL) [12:51:12.544] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [12:51:12.544] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE) [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] ...future.workdir <- getwd() [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] ...future.oldOptions <- base::as.list(base::.Options) [12:51:12.544] ...future.oldEnvVars <- base::Sys.getenv() [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE, future.globals.onMissing = NULL, [12:51:12.544] future.globals.maxSize = NULL, future.globals.method = NULL, [12:51:12.544] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.onReference = NULL, [12:51:12.544] future.globals.resolve = NULL, future.resolve.recursive = NULL, [12:51:12.544] future.rng.onMisuse = NULL, future.rng.onMisuse.keepFuture = NULL, [12:51:12.544] future.stdout.windows.reencode = NULL, width = 200L) [12:51:12.544] ...future.futureOptionsAdded <- base::setdiff(base::names(base::.Options), [12:51:12.544] base::names(...future.oldOptions)) [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] if (FALSE) { [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] else { [12:51:12.544] if (TRUE) { [12:51:12.544] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L), [12:51:12.544] open = "w") [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] else { [12:51:12.544] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type, [12:51:12.544] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w") [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE) [12:51:12.544] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) { [12:51:12.544] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [12:51:12.544] base::close(...future.stdout) [12:51:12.544] }, add = TRUE) [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe() [12:51:12.544] ...future.conditions <- base::list() [12:51:12.544] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed [12:51:12.544] if (FALSE) { [12:51:12.544] ...future.globalenv.names <- c(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [12:51:12.544] "...future.value", "...future.globalenv.names", ".Random.seed") [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({ [12:51:12.544] base::withCallingHandlers({ [12:51:12.544] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({ [12:51:12.544] Sys.sleep(delay) [12:51:12.544] data.frame(worker = ii, pid = Sys.getpid(), r = getRversion(), [12:51:12.544] as.list(Sys.info())) [12:51:12.544] })) [12:51:12.544] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value, [12:51:12.544] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [12:51:12.544] ...future.rng), globalenv = if (FALSE) [12:51:12.544] list(added = base::setdiff(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [12:51:12.544] ...future.globalenv.names)) [12:51:12.544] else NULL, started = ...future.startTime, version = "1.8") [12:51:12.544] }, condition = base::local({ [12:51:12.544] c <- base::c [12:51:12.544] inherits <- base::inherits [12:51:12.544] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [12:51:12.544] length <- base::length [12:51:12.544] list <- base::list [12:51:12.544] seq.int <- base::seq.int [12:51:12.544] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition [12:51:12.544] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls [12:51:12.544] [[ <- base::[[ [12:51:12.544] + <- base::+ [12:51:12.544] <<- <- base::<<- [12:51:12.544] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) { [12:51:12.544] calls[seq.int(from = from + 12L, to = length(calls) - [12:51:12.544] 3L)] [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] function(cond) { [12:51:12.544] is_error <- inherits(cond, "error") [12:51:12.544] ignore <- !is_error && !is.null(NULL) && inherits(cond, [12:51:12.544] NULL) [12:51:12.544] if (is_error) { [12:51:12.544] sessionInformation <- function() { [12:51:12.544] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(), [12:51:12.544] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(), [12:51:12.544] search = base::search(), system = base::Sys.info()) [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [12:51:12.544] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame), [12:51:12.544] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(), [12:51:12.544] timestamp = base::Sys.time(), signaled = 0L) [12:51:12.544] signalCondition(cond) [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] else if (!ignore && TRUE && inherits(cond, c("condition", [12:51:12.544] "immediateCondition"))) { [12:51:12.544] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition") [12:51:12.544] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [12:51:12.544] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal)) [12:51:12.544] if (TRUE && !signal) { [12:51:12.544] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [12:51:12.544] { [12:51:12.544] inherits <- base::inherits [12:51:12.544] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [12:51:12.544] is.null <- base::is.null [12:51:12.544] muffled <- FALSE [12:51:12.544] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [12:51:12.544] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [12:51:12.544] if (muffled) [12:51:12.544] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [12:51:12.544] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [12:51:12.544] if (muffled) [12:51:12.544] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [12:51:12.544] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [12:51:12.544] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [12:51:12.544] grepl <- base::grepl [12:51:12.544] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [12:51:12.544] for (restart in restarts) { [12:51:12.544] name <- restart$name [12:51:12.544] if (is.null(name)) [12:51:12.544] next [12:51:12.544] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [12:51:12.544] next [12:51:12.544] invokeRestart(restart) [12:51:12.544] muffled <- TRUE [12:51:12.544] break [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] invisible(muffled) [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] else { [12:51:12.544] if (TRUE) { [12:51:12.544] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [12:51:12.544] { [12:51:12.544] inherits <- base::inherits [12:51:12.544] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [12:51:12.544] is.null <- base::is.null [12:51:12.544] muffled <- FALSE [12:51:12.544] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [12:51:12.544] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [12:51:12.544] if (muffled) [12:51:12.544] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [12:51:12.544] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [12:51:12.544] if (muffled) [12:51:12.544] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [12:51:12.544] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [12:51:12.544] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [12:51:12.544] grepl <- base::grepl [12:51:12.544] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [12:51:12.544] for (restart in restarts) { [12:51:12.544] name <- restart$name [12:51:12.544] if (is.null(name)) [12:51:12.544] next [12:51:12.544] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [12:51:12.544] next [12:51:12.544] invokeRestart(restart) [12:51:12.544] muffled <- TRUE [12:51:12.544] break [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] invisible(muffled) [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] })) [12:51:12.544] }, error = function(ex) { [12:51:12.544] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL, [12:51:12.544] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [12:51:12.544] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime, [12:51:12.544] finished = Sys.time(), session_uuid = NA_character_, [12:51:12.544] version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult") [12:51:12.544] }, finally = { [12:51:12.544] if (!identical(...future.workdir, getwd())) [12:51:12.544] setwd(...future.workdir) [12:51:12.544] { [12:51:12.544] if (identical(getOption("nwarnings"), ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings)) { [12:51:12.544] ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings <- NULL [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] base::options(...future.oldOptions) [12:51:12.544] if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { [12:51:12.544] old_names <- names(...future.oldEnvVars) [12:51:12.544] envs <- base::Sys.getenv() [12:51:12.544] names <- names(envs) [12:51:12.544] common <- intersect(names, old_names) [12:51:12.544] added <- setdiff(names, old_names) [12:51:12.544] removed <- setdiff(old_names, names) [12:51:12.544] changed <- common[...future.oldEnvVars[common] != [12:51:12.544] envs[common]] [12:51:12.544] NAMES <- toupper(changed) [12:51:12.544] args <- list() [12:51:12.544] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [12:51:12.544] name <- changed[[kk]] [12:51:12.544] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [12:51:12.544] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [12:51:12.544] next [12:51:12.544] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] NAMES <- toupper(added) [12:51:12.544] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [12:51:12.544] name <- added[[kk]] [12:51:12.544] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [12:51:12.544] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [12:51:12.544] next [12:51:12.544] args[[name]] <- "" [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] NAMES <- toupper(removed) [12:51:12.544] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [12:51:12.544] name <- removed[[kk]] [12:51:12.544] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [12:51:12.544] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [12:51:12.544] next [12:51:12.544] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] if (length(args) > 0) [12:51:12.544] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = args) [12:51:12.544] args <- names <- old_names <- NAMES <- envs <- common <- added <- removed <- NULL [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] else { [12:51:12.544] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = base::as.list(...future.oldEnvVars)) [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] { [12:51:12.544] if (base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded) > [12:51:12.544] 0L) { [12:51:12.544] opts <- base::vector("list", length = base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded)) [12:51:12.544] base::names(opts) <- ...future.futureOptionsAdded [12:51:12.544] base::options(opts) [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] { [12:51:12.544] { [12:51:12.544] base::assign(".Random.seed", c(10407L, 852045503L, [12:51:12.544] 1098400933L, 382416171L, -1498524018L, 1218928538L, [12:51:12.544] -1971240002L), envir = base::globalenv(), [12:51:12.544] inherits = FALSE) [12:51:12.544] NULL [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] options(future.plan = NULL) [12:51:12.544] if (is.na(NA_character_)) [12:51:12.544] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [12:51:12.544] else Sys.setenv(R_FUTURE_PLAN = NA_character_) [12:51:12.544] future::plan(...future.strategy.old, .cleanup = FALSE, [12:51:12.544] .init = FALSE) [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] }) [12:51:12.544] if (TRUE) { [12:51:12.544] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [12:51:12.544] if (TRUE) { [12:51:12.544] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout)) [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] else { [12:51:12.544] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL) [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] base::close(...future.stdout) [12:51:12.544] ...future.stdout <- NULL [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.544] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions [12:51:12.544] ...future.result$finished <- base::Sys.time() [12:51:12.544] ...future.result [12:51:12.544] } [12:51:12.548] assign_globals() ... [12:51:12.548] List of 2 [12:51:12.548] $ delay: num 1 [12:51:12.548] $ ii : int 1 [12:51:12.548] - attr(, "where")=List of 2 [12:51:12.548] ..$ delay:<environment: R_EmptyEnv> [12:51:12.548] ..$ ii :<environment: R_EmptyEnv> [12:51:12.548] - attr(, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list" [12:51:12.548] - attr(, "resolved")= logi FALSE [12:51:12.548] - attr(, "total_size")= num 112 [12:51:12.548] - attr(*, "already-done")= logi TRUE [12:51:12.554] - copied ‘delay’ to environment [12:51:12.554] - copied ‘ii’ to environment [12:51:12.554] assign_globals() ... done [12:51:12.561] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack: [12:51:12.561] List of future strategies: [12:51:12.561] 1. sequential: [12:51:12.561] - args: function (..., envir = parent.frame()) [12:51:12.561] - tweaked: FALSE [12:51:12.561] - call: NULL [12:51:12.562] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1 [12:51:13.567] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack: [12:51:13.567] List of future strategies: [12:51:13.567] 1. sequential: [12:51:13.567] - args: function (..., envir = parent.frame()) [12:51:13.567] - tweaked: FALSE [12:51:13.567] - call: NULL [12:51:13.568] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1 [12:51:13.569] SequentialFuture started (and completed) [12:51:13.569] - Launch lazy future ... done [12:51:13.570] run() for ‘SequentialFuture’ ... done [12:51:13.570] resolve() on list ... [12:51:13.570] recursive: 0 [12:51:13.570] length: 1 [12:51:13.571] [12:51:13.571] resolved() for ‘SequentialFuture’ ... [12:51:13.571] - state: ‘finished’ [12:51:13.572] - run: TRUE [12:51:13.572] - result: ‘FutureResult’ [12:51:13.572] resolved() for ‘SequentialFuture’ ... done [12:51:13.572] Future #1 [12:51:13.573] signalConditionsASAP(SequentialFuture, pos=1) ... [12:51:13.573] - nx: 1 [12:51:13.573] - relay: TRUE [12:51:13.574] - stdout: TRUE [12:51:13.574] - signal: TRUE [12:51:13.574] - resignal: FALSE [12:51:13.574] - force: TRUE [12:51:13.574] - relayed: [n=1] FALSE [12:51:13.575] - queued futures: [n=1] FALSE [12:51:13.575] - until=1 [12:51:13.575] - relaying element #1 [12:51:13.575] - relayed: [n=1] TRUE [12:51:13.576] - queued futures: [n=1] TRUE [12:51:13.576] signalConditionsASAP(SequentialFuture, pos=1) ... done [12:51:13.576] length: 0 (resolved future 1) [12:51:13.576] Relaying remaining futures [12:51:13.576] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ... [12:51:13.576] - nx: 1 [12:51:13.577] - relay: TRUE [12:51:13.577] - stdout: TRUE [12:51:13.577] - signal: TRUE [12:51:13.577] - resignal: FALSE [12:51:13.577] - force: TRUE [12:51:13.578] - relayed: [n=1] TRUE [12:51:13.578] - queued futures: [n=1] TRUE - flush all [12:51:13.578] - relayed: [n=1] TRUE [12:51:13.578] - queued futures: [n=1] TRUE [12:51:13.578] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ... done [12:51:13.578] resolve() on list ... DONE Worker R session details: worker pid r sysname release version nodename machine login user effective_user 1 1 25128 4.0.2 Linux 4.14.232-177.418.amzn2.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jun 15 20:57:50 UTC 2021 host001 x86_64 user001 user001 user001 Number of unique worker PIDs: 1 (as expected)

tyner avatar Jun 28 '24 13:06 tyner