Hemil Ruparel
Hemil Ruparel
@Lecrapouille , may you please to take a look at my pull request? It implements exactly that. May be you could help me with naming and (good) design?
Yes. It is the one i am talking about. Even i forgot to reference my PR.
Thank you so much @Lecrapouille . I made the following changes: 1) Removed the bitset. After seeing your code, i realized all i needed was a std::string in my class....
Done. How can I not figure that out? Stupid me. Thanks a lot
When I look for permissions of libbcrypt in /usr/local/lib64, this it the output: ``` lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 14 Apr 1 19:33 libbcrypt.so -> libbcrypt.so.1 lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 18...
I disabled the execstack and everything works fine. But shouldn't it be the default?
I am on Intel's x86 @kriive
Thanks a lot. But I am curious to know under what circumstance does libbcrypt use an exec stack because I have it disabled. I am not a security expert but...
Thank God it does not use an exec stack. Because it might have failed at times if it needed and exec stack as I had disabled it. Don't know how...