The logging options were moved to a hidden tab (The developer tab) since many people were enabling logging and filling/corrupting SD cards unintentionally. If you wish to access the developer...
So this would be done outside of navcanada as they seem uninterested in helping out. Work has stalled on this but testing has been done on a system using LORA...
The LORA stuff we have been doing would be proprietary. LORA Has some tricks up it's sleeve to get really long range with low power. Swithing to straight UAT would...
Did you hear anything from either side?
Minor update regarding this. http://canada.stratux.me/ Work is progressing on a 1 Watt version of the CC1310 board so that no external AMP will be required.
Any update on this? You were asking to talk to a developer on facebook but never reached out on here or Slack?
This looks like it might be a recurrence of #631 I saw a few random drop outs on Foreflight during my trip to and from Oshkosh. I saw about 3...
Anyone still seeing random disconnects? I haven't seen any from Stratux in a while but saw one with a GTX345 this weekend.
> i see that on amazon there is a package of 2 a v2 and v3 with antennas.. I assume that is the best way to go moving forward... The...
Has anyone tried with newer versions of fltplan go or Aerovie to see if these bugs still exist?