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A flexible template, as a quick setup for deep learning projects in pytorch-lightning
Quicksetup-ai: A flexible template as a quick setup for deep learning projects in research
Docs | Quickstart | Tutorials |
This template is a combination of pyscaffold datascience and lightning-hydra. It provides a general baseline for Deep Learning projects including:
- A predefined structure which simplifies the development of the project.
- A set of tools for experiment tracking, hyper parameter search and rapid experimentation using configuration files. More details in lightning-hydra.
- Pre-commit hooks and automatic documentation generation.
:warning: Package compatibility: This template relies on Pytorch Lightning (whose API might change) we use a fixed version of the package to ensure the template doesn't break
Using Cookiecutter
Create and activate your environment:
conda create -y -n venv_cookie python=3.9 && conda activate venv_cookie
Install cookiecutter in your environment:
pip install cookiecutter dvc
Create your own project using this template via cookiecutter:
cookiecutter https://github.com/HelmholtzAI-Consultants-Munich/Quicksetup-ai.git
Create the pipeline environment and install the ml-pipeline-template package
Before using the template, one needs to install the project as a package.
- First, create a virtual environment.
You can either do it with conda (preferred) or venv.
- Then, activate the environment
- Finally, install the project as a package. Run:
pip install -e .
Run the MNIST example
This pipeline comes with a toy example (MNIST dataset with a simple feedforward neural network). To run the training (resp. testing) pipeline, simply run:
python scripts/train.py
# or python scripts/test.py
Or, if you want to submit the training job to a submit (resp. interactive) cluster node via slurm, run:
sbatch job_submission.sbatch
# or sbatch job_submission_interactive.sbatch
- The experiments, evaluations, etc., are stored under the
directory.- The default experiments tracking system is mlflow. The
directory is contained inlogs
. To view a user friendly view of the experiments, run:# make sure you are inside logs (where mlruns is located) mlflow ui --host 0000
- When evaluating (running
), make sure you give the correct checkpoint path inconfigs/test.yaml
Project Organization
├── configs <- Hydra configuration files
│ ├── callbacks <- Callbacks configs
│ ├── datamodule <- Datamodule configs
│ ├── debug <- Debugging configs
│ ├── experiment <- Experiment configs
│ ├── hparams_search <- Hyperparameter search configs
│ ├── local <- Local configs
│ ├── log_dir <- Logging directory configs
│ ├── logger <- Logger configs
│ ├── model <- Model configs
│ ├── trainer <- Trainer configs
│ │
│ ├── test.yaml <- Main config for testing
│ └── train.yaml <- Main config for training
├── data <- Project data
│ ├── processed <- Processed data
│ └── raw <- Raw data
├── docs <- Directory for Sphinx documentation in rst or md.
├── models <- Trained and serialized models, model predictions
├── notebooks <- Jupyter notebooks.
├── reports <- Generated analysis as HTML, PDF, LaTeX, etc.
│ └── figures <- Generated plots and figures for reports.
├── scripts <- Scripts used in project
│ ├── job_submission.sbatch <- Submit training job to slurm
│ ├── job_submission_interactive.sbatch <- Submit training job to slurm (interactive node)
│ ├── test.py <- Run testing
│ └── train.py <- Run training
├── src/<your_project_name> <- Source code
│ ├── datamodules <- Lightning datamodules
│ ├── models <- Lightning models
│ ├── utils <- Utility scripts
│ │
│ ├── testing_pipeline.py
│ └── training_pipeline.py
├── tests <- Tests of any kind
│ ├── helpers <- A couple of testing utilities
│ ├── shell <- Shell/command based tests
│ └── unit <- Unit tests
├── .coveragerc <- Configuration for coverage reports of unit tests.
├── .gitignore <- List of files/folders ignored by git
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml <- Configuration of pre-commit hooks for code formatting
├── setup.cfg <- Configuration of linters and pytest
├── LICENSE.txt <- License as chosen on the command-line.
├── pyproject.toml <- Build configuration. Don't change! Use `pip install -e .`
│ to install for development or to build `tox -e build`.
├── setup.cfg <- Declarative configuration of your project.
├── setup.py <- [DEPRECATED] Use `python setup.py develop` to install for
│ development or `python setup.py bdist_wheel` to build.
└── README.md
How to cite
author = {Isra Mekki, Gerome Vivar, Harshavardhan Subramanian, Erinc Merdivan},
title = {Quicksetup-ai},
year = {2022},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.10044608},
url = {https://github.com/HelmholtzAI-Consultants-Munich/Quicksetup-ai},