Steffen Fredriksen
Steffen Fredriksen
What was the link name? There is a pr that would have prevented the 500 error. For now you can just delete app_links in the db
Ok, I'll take a look.
We can try to add some basis sanitize with cgi.escape so thrash like that is escaped before saving it to the db.
Where do you inject this?
Can use makos filter Can use this one to create a dropdown in the show list or something.
It's not needed, but if you don't you can't set a custom quality profile
I saw there was a recent pr for nzbdrone on maraschino. I'm sure there some code you can steal from it. I will not work on nzbdrone as never could...
I was bored so started on a nzbdrone branch, dont except anything fancy, ill reuse as much as i can from the sickbeard module. The plan is to support the...
I could use some help for testing as i dont use it myself. Its not close to finished, but you get the idea