Allen Roush

Results 32 comments of Allen Roush

@ymfa I think you're correct. I originally tried to do this project with a "PoS" tagger which would either seperate between "underlined" and "not underlined" words - but I had...

Also, can you critique another idea I have? I have a dataset that includes basically large amounts of news articles, an extractive "highlighted" version of the article, and an abstractively...

Can we get a merge ASAP on this? ELI5 is now broken for most use-cases since you know, most people are running this on sklearn models... Also breaks my HF...

Oh my gosh I want this please merge this as soon as possible 🥰

Is this ever going to be merged? I'm super interested in seeing this get added to ELI5 ASAP!!!

I AM A GOD (not really but this crazy idea of mine just worked!!!!!) ```python class MultiLabelProbClassifier(BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin): def __init__(self, clf): self.clf = clf def fit(self, X, y):, y)...

One thing to do is to specify to user what the "sum_probabilities" number is somewhere within the html / text explain pred output (or just do that multiplication for them...

I'm not especially picky on how it's done. Do you have any real interest in going further with this? I have a dataset of debate evidence which is highlighted and...

Can I contact you via the email you provided here? I'd like to get a word level version of sidenet working.

It's really sad that no one else is working on this library (I'd love to but can't for several reasons). as far as I can tell, it's the fastest and...