I really don't like `onKeysRemoved`, and having unrelated caches with a maximum size might cause trouble, e.g. requiring db access while persisting data asynchronously. So my currrent preference would be...
This is now done, except for deciding when to trim non-spatial caches. `trimNonSpatialCaches` is mostly faster than getting all data in a tile, but clearly slower than getting data in...
Since I kept coming back to the *one cache* for comparing memory use and performance, I cleaned it up a bit and put it to https://github.com/Helium314/StreetComplete/commit/8b122cbb112c5644ee10cb2cd571cdfcf9c17cef
On where to put the quest cache: I did some more tests comparing different places of caching quests. Results are approximate, as usual, and sometimes a bit unexpected, probably caused...
What I plan to definitely change (if you agree) is moving the quest cache to `VisibleQuestsSource`. With `MapDataController` I'll go through my comments/todos once more, and maybe do some small...
One main think I forgot: Asynchronous database updates! Is there any need to defer database accesses until writing is done? Other things are done now: switching to cache `ElementGeometry`, adding...
So what is left: * decide when to trim non-spatial caches * update db asynchronously in `MapDataController` * fix failing tests * add tests for `SpatialCache` But those changes should...
Yes, maybe it can be split... In some cases the "other answers" could be used/expanded, here the only question is what should/could be added. When there are many answers (like...
> Most of the things you mention though are insecurities that are caused by a lax definition of the tag itself in OSM (in the wiki). This is why I...
Sorry for not replying earlier... didn't have enough time for this. So if the [I] button should be added, it could contain an explanatory text similar to what is found...