I just tried offsets, and it looks really awkward when zooming, because the circles move relative to the surrounding map geometry. Also the cluster circles are typically located somewhere between...
Though maybe the `circleTranslate` issue can be fixed using [`circleTranslateAnchor`](https://maplibre.org/maplibre-native/android/api/-map-libre%20-native%20for%20-android/com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.style.layers/-property-factory/circle-translate-anchor.html)
I tried playing with colors, essentially copying from the [example](https://github.com/maplibre/maplibre-native/blob/main/platform/android/MapLibreAndroidTestApp/src/main/java/org/maplibre/android/testapp/activity/style/GeoJsonClusteringActivity.kt#L168-L174) in first post, just using `point_count` and different stop values and colors. There was nothing I really liked so far,...
Using the roof / building color style should work. But for each item either a new icon has to be created, or a different color filter should be set. The...