Is anything added to your internal database at all? You can check using the export function. Some emitters are skipped because they can't be read (then you should get a...
That emitter has an invalid PCI (Physical Cell ID). It's `-1` in the export (and probably also in the OpenCelliD file), but `490` in the screenshot. Actually it could be...
I don't think there is anything you can do... According to [documentation](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/telephony/CellIdentityLte#getPci()), Android cannot even return `-1` for PCI. As far as I understand from https://www.telecomtrainer.com/lte-physical-cell-id/, we can't simply ignore...
I'm not sure what you mean with "location indicator". Is it the icon showing that some app requests a GPS location? If yes, this really should not happen. Local NLP...
Could you test whether the same thing happens if you use [GPSLogger](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.mendhak.gpslogger/) and set it to only use passive location provider? This basically does the same: it always checks whether...
@ProjectMoon could you try whether it also happens when the app targets API 33? [APK](https://github.com/Helium314/Local-NLP-Backend/files/9542651/local-nlp-backend_1.2.0-beta.3-release_API33.zip) You may need to disable and enable again, so microG asks for background location permission....
> But the backend does acquire location by itself separately sometimes I don't know what this exactly means... maybe Android 12 reports WiFi scanning as acquiring location. If this is...
WiFi scans happen when any app requests a network based location (via microG), or when the device gets a GPS position.
Actually you could check whether the WiFi scans cause the issues: In the settings you can simply disable WiFi scanning (under _Use WiFi locations_). This is not a solution, as...
I mean in the app, in the settings you can access via microG.