Hélio Guilherme
Hélio Guilherme
It is a good idea, even if users should be aware of this and they need to add the option.
YAML variable files must have either .yaml or .yml extension. Support for the .yml extension is new in Robot Framework 3.2.
@rbradhika530 YAML (and Python) are not part of the Test Suites projects. They can be used but they are not parsed by RIDE. It will be a nice feature, but...
@rbradhika530 I wrote on the [FAQ](https://github.com/robotframework/RIDE/wiki/F.A.Q./#13--q-i-have-installed-the-development-version-v20b2dev5-but-it-is-broken-how-can-i-revert-to-a-previous-version) how to.
@rbradhika530 Latest version is v1.7.4.2 up to python 3.7, v2.0.b1 is first Beta and should work on Python 3.8. You should try the answer I wrote on Q13 in FAQ....
I did not tested on v1.7.4b2 but on development version, and I do not get that behavior. I do get the ... removed from Grid Editor, and not on Text...
Moving to 2.1 because of lack of resources (time and people)
@JoaoPequeno Olá, como é que vai o Robin dos Bosques? (desculpa lá, deves estar sempre a ouvir isto :) ) You don't say how you installed RIDE, but I know...
That is a different error :) It is because of your username have the `ã`,: C:\Users\Jo**ã**o Pequeno\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\site-packages\robotide\application\application.py", line 295, in _find_robot_installation str(rf_version, 'utf-8'), str(os.path.dirname(rf_file), 'utf-8'))).publish() UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode...
@JoaoPequeno Please retest on new version 2.0b2.