Site emails are plain text at the moment, so likely not. I think the base content lives in the various mailer bits of the views e.g. app/views/notification_mailer app/views/survey_mailer app/views/track_mailer app/views/user_mailer
We need to include the final line on all "business communications" to comply with the law, so I'd leave it on.
Noted at https://wdtkwiki.mysociety.org/wiki/Tagging_suggestions
I don't think this represents a full record of what was on the ticket before (the first post seems incomplete), so if anyone has a copy of the rest of...
Noted at https://wdtkwiki.mysociety.org/wiki/List_of_blog_ideas
A user has written in support of the second option, as they felt this might make it easier for other users to navigate the data.
Flagging this for me to look at, as we should hit the 200k mark very soon (IIRC was just over 196k last time I checked).