Alright, I think I've addressed this without additional information. The problem was that for `remains_guess`, it's easy enough to compare how much time has passed since the ability went on...
I meant more like, what value were you expecting to see prior to casting Penance and so forth. What purpose would the value serve in making any kind of determination...
I'll look into tracking average CD recovery time. The `prev_gcd` piece might be resolved by removing the function for Penance's `id` and just putting the Penance ID back in there....
I have a test adjustment to the priority so that Shadowmeld/Prowl won't be recommended unless you're going to use Rake on your current target *or* you have target-cycling enabled and...
I haven't been able to replicate this, though there are other demo issues. Is this still occurring?
> Mine never recommends tyrant or felguard regardless of talents This is probably a matter of having cooldowns toggled off by default. Look at /hekili > Toggles.
> Even with cooldowns toggled while in demo spec it is no longer recommending anything with a cooldown of 1 min or longer after the initial opener. It was working...
> I have identical issue to Kharn87 above. Updated Hekili today and now after the opener it never recommends a cooldown of 1 minute or more again. Cooldowns are enabled...
Please test with v10.2.0-1.1.0 and provide new snapshots if you are experiencing the same or similar issues.
The only person who needs to post status updates in a ticket thread is me. :) The issue is that the way that the sim handles desynced cooldowns does not...