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Lightweight fullpage component for Svelte.


Lightweight fullpage Svelte component.

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Makes scrolling pages by sections.


npm i svelte-fullpage -D

How to use

To make things clear:

  • <Fullpage> is wrapper of its sections which can be scrolled vertically to navigate between sections
  • <FullpageSection> is section that takes entire viewport and optionally can be scrolled horizontally to navigate between slides
  • <FullpageSlide> analogy of section which is child of section

Quick guide

  1. Include import { Fullpage, FullpageSection, FullpageSlide } from 'svelte-fullpage' into desired page
  2. Make fullpage sections and put them into <Fullpage>, if you need slides, make them too and put them into some <FullpageSection>
  3. If needed, make <FullpageSlide>s and place them inside some <FullpageSection>

Example code

    import { 
    } from 'svelte-fullpage'

    <FullpageSection title="Home">
        ...Your markup here
    <FullpageSection title="History">
        <FullpageSlide title="1982-1993">
            ...Your markup here
        <FullpageSlide title="1993-2006">
            ...Your markup here
        <FullpageSlide title="2006-present">
            ...Your markup here
    <FullpageSection title="Present">
        ...Your markup here
    <FullpageSection title="Future">
        ...Your markup here

If you are not sure how to use this component, take a look at demo site code


These are options for customizing your fullpage component. In addition to these props feel free to use HTML customization props such as class, style, ....


  • scrollDuration - number default: 750 - Duration of scroll and next scroll timeout in milliseconds
  • pageRoundingThresholdMultiplier - number default: 8 - Number which sets scroll sensitivity, bigger number, less needed scrolling effort. n means user have to make scroll delta 1/n of viewport height/width in order to get to new page.
  • disableDragNavigation - boolean default: false - Disables pointer drag navigation
  • disableArrowsNavigation - boolean default: false - Disables navigation using arrow keys
  • easing - function default: quartOut - Custom easing function which will be applied to scrolling sections and slides


  • title - string default: sectionIndex - Title of section displayed on hover effect on section indicator
  • disableCentering - string default: false - Disabled flexbox centering of section's content


  • title - string default: sectionIndex - Title of slide displayed on hover effect on slide indicator
  • disableCentering - string default: false - Disabled flexbox centering of slide's content


It's free

This component is under MIT license.