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A collection of tutorials, guidelines, examples, patterns and half-baked ideas on functional reactive programming (FRP).
FRP Guides
This respository collects tutorials, guidelines, examples, patterns and half-baked ideas on functional reactive programming (FRP).
At the moment, it is organized a bit like a curated Wiki. If you've found a nice code pattern, or a cool link, don't hesitate to make a pull request.
The focus is on FRP libraries written in Haskell, using the style originally pioneered by Conal Elliott, and developed e.g. in the reactive-banana, frpnow or sodium libraries.
All written material here is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 License. Any source code snippets or examples used here are released to the public domain.
Table of Contents
Heinrich Apfelmus
- Introduction to Functional Reactive Programming — Slides and video link for a introductory talk I gave at Bobkonf 2016
- The Model-View-Controller Pattern and Functional Reactive Programming — Three useful principles for structuring GUI code.
External Resources
FRP was pioneered by Conal Elliott and his writings are a good source on the topic.
- "Functional Reactive Animation" — This is the seminal paper that started the whole FRP thing. It's still a nice, though somewhat outdated overview of FRP.
- "Declarative event-oriented programming" — Practial example that demonstrates the utility of FRP for GUI programming. Excellent introduction to the general programming philosophy.
- "Push-pull functional reactive programming" — Good read for understanding how the model is mapped to an API in terms of applicative and other functors.
Stephen Blackheath and Anthony Jones have written a book "Functional Reactive Programming". It is an introduction to FRP using Java as the main language, but it also describes several patterns that occur in practice.
Joachim Breitner's course CIS 194: Introduction to Haskell also includes a nice tutorial of FRP.
Paul Johnson's short tutorial on using Reactive Banana with GTK3.