native-wechat copied to clipboard
A React Native library for supporting Wechat APIs on Android and iOS
`One of RECEIVER_EXPORTED or RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED should be specified when a receiver isn't being registered exclusively for system broadcasts` `react-native 0.73.6` android 报错  我在这个issues找到了解决方法 []( 修改之后的代码为 
There are a bunch of issues, combining the bare RN module and Expo API, I cannot handle by myself or cost too much time on my hands. I've decided to...
编译时遇到以下报错: * Where: Build file '...\node_modules\native-wechat\android\build.gradle' line: 63 * What went wrong: A problem occurred evaluating project ':native-wechat'. > Cannot change resolution strategy of dependency configuration ':app:androidJdkImage' after task dependencies...
Hi, Thanks for creating such new library for supporting WeChat. However, A lot of new Expo projects are using managed workflow , which doesn't use prebuild to 'eject' the project...
作者大大你好,使用这个库,还需要对 微信OpenSDK 做额外配置吗
Currently, this project is still under maintenance. However, I've been relocated and the integration of Wechat SDK is no longer my responsibility in my post. Therefore, my access to substantial...
我注意到您的包的devdependencies中的rn版本为 0.70.x,  我有一个现成的项目,它使用 expo (sdk 46) 构建。 我今天尝试加入了 native-wechat 这个包(仅仅是添加而没有任何使用),编译运行的时候就会报错  由于expo sdk指定要求的rn版本是0.69.6,所以我无法通过升级rn来解决冲突。 我不知道是不是native-wechat 这个包引入的版本冲突问题,请问你在 rn 0.69.x 中有测试过吗,
Is it possible to return a more specific message or error? ```js const res = await shareText({ text: 'text', scene: NativeWechatConstants.WXSceneSession }).catch(e=>{ console.log(e) // e == undefined }) // res...