Mipow-Playbulb-BTL201 copied to clipboard
Full-featured shell script interface based on expect and gatttool for Mipow Playbulb BTL201 (and maybe others)
Note: This project is depracted and won't be maintained anymore. I've written a new API in Python, see mipow-bulbs.
Full-featured shell script interface based on expect and gatttool for Mipow Playbulb. It is (should be compatible) with the following models:
- Mipow Playbulb Rainbow (BTL200), tested rev. BTL200_v7 / Application version (no candle effect)
- Mipow Playbulb Smart (BTL201), tested rev. BTL201_v2 / Application version (no candle effect)
- Mipow Playbulb Spot Mesh (BTL203), tested rev. BTL203M_V1.6 / Application version (no candle effect, remembers whole state, light, effect etc. after power off!)
- Mipow Playbulb Candle (BTL300, BTL305), confirmed by other users
- MiPow Playbulb String (BTL505-GN), confirmed by other users (device does not have random- / security mode)
Not tested yet:
- MiPow Playbulb Sphere (BTL301W), untested, unconfirmed, feedback is welcome!
- MiPow Playbulb Garden (BTL400), untested, unconfirmed, feedback is welcome!
- MiPow Playbulb Comet (BTL501A), untested, unconfirmed, feedback is welcome!
- MiPow Playbulb Solar (BTL601), untested, unconfirmed, feedback is welcome!
This script is NOT compatible with bulbs of series BTL1xx:
- MiPow Playbulb Lite (BTL100S)
- MiPow Playbulb Color (BTL100C)
This script allows to control Mipow PLaybulbs via bluetooth BLE (low energy, version 4) with the Raspberry Pi's Raspian and other Linux distributions.
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6
Usage: <mac/alias> <command> <parameters...>
<mac>: bluetooth mac address of bulb
<alias>: you can use alias instead of mac address
after you have run setup (see setup)
<command>: For command and parameters
Basic commands:
--status - print main information of bulb
--on - turn on light (white)
--off - turn off light
--toggle - turn off / on (remembers color!)
--color <white> <red> <green> <blue>
- set color, each value 0 - 255
--color - request current color of bulb
--up - turn up light
--down - dim light
Build-in effects:
--effect - request current effect of bulb
--pulse <white> <red> <green> <blue> <hold>
- run build-in pulse effect
color values: 0=off, 1=on
<hold> per step in ms: 0 - 255
--blink <white> <red> <green> <blue> <time> [<repetitions> <pause>]
- run build-in blink effect
color values: 0 - 255
<time> in 1/100s: 0 - 255
<repetitions> (optional) before pause: 0 - 255
<pause> (optional) in 1/10s: 0 - 255
--rainbow <hold> - run build-in rainbow effect
<hold> per step in ms: 0 - 255
--candle <white> <red> <green> <blue>
- run build-in candle effect
color values: 0 - 255
--disco <hold> - run build-in disco effect
<hold> in 1/100s: 0 - 255
--hold <hold> [<repetitions> <pause>]
- change hold value of current effect
<repetitions> (optional) before pause: 0 - 255
<pause> (optional) in 1/10s: 0 - 255
--halt - halt build-in effect, keeps color
Soft-effects which stay connected and run long:
--animate <hold> <white> <red> <green> <blue>
- change color smoothly based
<hold>: 0 - 255ms
color-values: 0 - 255
--triangle <hold> <delay> <max> - change colors
<hold> in ms
<delay> in ms
0 means no animation
< 0 means dark pause
Timer commands:
--timer <timer> <start> <minutes> [<white> <red> <green> <blue>]
- schedules timer
<timer>: No. of timer 1 - 4
<start>: starting time
(hh:mm or in minutes)
<minutes>: runtime in minutes
color values: 0 - 255
--timer <timer> off - deactivates single timer
<timer>: No. of timer 1 - 4
--timer off - deactivates all timers
--timer - request current timer settings
--fade <minutes> <white> <red> <green> <blue>
- change color smoothly
<minutes>: runtime in minutes
color values: 0 - 255
--ambient <minutes> [<start>] - schedules ambient program
<minutes>: runtime in minutes
best in steps of 15m
<start>: starting time (optional)
(hh:mm or in minutes)
--wakeup <minutes> [<start>] - schedules wake-up program
<minutes>: runtime in minutes
best in steps of 15m
<start>: starting time (optional)
(hh:mm or in minutes)
--doze <minutes> [<start>] - schedules doze program
<minutes>: runtime in minutes
best in steps of 15m
<start>: starting time (optional)
(hh:mm or in minutes)
--wheel <bgr|grb|rbg> <minutes> [<start>] [<brightness>]
- schedules a program running through color wheel
<minutes>: runtime in minutes
best in steps of 4m, up to 1020m
<start>: starting time (optional)
(hh:mm or in minutes)
<brightness>: 0 - 255 (default: 255)
--random <start> <stop> <min> <max> [<white> <red> <green> <blue>]
- schedules random mode
<start>: start time
(hh:mm or in minutes)
<stop>: stop time
(hh:mm or in minutes)
<min>: min runtime in minutes
<max>: max runtime in minutes
color values: 0 - 255
--random off - stop random mode
--random - request current random mode state
Other commands:
--help <command> - get help for specific command
--setup - setup bulb for this program
--name <name> - give bulb a new displayname / alias
--password <abcd> - set password
--sleep <n> - pause processing for n milliseconds
--dump - request full state of bulb
--device - request device information of bulb
--print - prints collected data of bulb
--json - dump full state of bulb in json format
--verbose - print information about processing
--debug - print actions in gatttool
--reset - perform factory reset
Initial setup
- Check pre-conditions
Install expect
$ sudo apt install expect
Check if gatttool
is available:
$ gatttool
gatttool [OPTION...]
- Find out the MAC address of your bulb
$ sudo hcitool lescan
LE Scan ...
38:01:95:84:A8:B1 (unknown)
AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 (unknown)
- Run setup command
By running the setup command, two things will be done:
a. There is a new file in your home folder called ~/.known_bulbs
. This file contains a mapping of MAC addresses and names.
b. There is a new file in your /tmp
folder, e.g. /tmp/bulb-AF-66-4B-0D-AC-E6.hnd
. It is a description of the characteristics and handles that your bulb provide. See API for more details.
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --setup
Setup for bulb started ...
Step 1: Read characteristics from bulb AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 ...
> characteristics saved in /tmp/bulb-AF-66-4B-0D-AC-E6.hnd
Step 2: Read bulb name ...
> bulb name is "MIPOW SMART BULB"
> bulb name stored in ~/.known_bulbs for usage with aliases.
Setup completed!
Usage with MAC address:
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 status
Usage with alias:
$ ./mipow.exp "MIPOW SMART BULB" status
Have fun with your bulb!
You can double-check both files as follows:
$ cat ~/.known_bulbs
$ cat /tmp/bulb-AF-66-4B-0D-AC-E6.hnd
handle = 0x0002, char properties = 0x0a, char value handle = 0x0003, uuid = 00002a00-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
- Give bulb a new name
In order to be able to distinguish multiple bulbs you should rename your bulb.
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --name Livingroom
- Dump full status of bulb
$ ./mipow.exp Liv --dump --print
Device mac: 6A:9C:4B:0F:AC:E6
Device name: Wohnzimmer
Device password: (not supported)
Battery level: (not supported)
Device vendor: Mipow Limited
Device id: BTL201
Device version: BTL201_v2
Device software: Application version
Device CPU: CSR101x A05
Color: WRGB(0,0,29,1)
Effect: halt
Effect color: off
Effect time (raw): 255
Effect time (approx.): n/a
Time: 16:41
Timer 1: turnon
Timer 1 time: n/a
Timer 1 color: WRGB(0,0,0,31)
Timer 1 time (minutes): 225
Timer 2: turnon
Timer 2 time: n/a
Timer 2 color: WRGB(0,0,31,0)
Timer 2 time (minutes): 225
Timer 3: turnon
Timer 3 time: 16:56
Timer 3 color: WRGB(0,31,0,0)
Timer 3 time (minutes): 225
Timer 4: turnoff
Timer 4 time: 20:41
Timer 4 color: off
Timer 4 time (minutes): 225
Randommode: off
$ mipow W --device --color --effect --timer --random --json
"device" : {
"mac" : "6A:9C:4B:0F:AC:E6",
"name" : "Wohnzimmer",
"battery" : "(not supported)",
"vendor" : "Mipow Limited",
"id" : "BTL201",
"version" : "BTL201_v2",
"software" : "Application version",
"cpu" : "CSR101x A05"
"state" : {
"color" : "WRGB(0,0,29,1)",
"effect" : {
"effect" : "halt",
"color" : "off",
"repititions" : 3840,
"time" : {
"speed_raw" : 255,
"speed_human" : "n/a",
"pause_raw" : 255,
"pause_human" : "25.5 sec"
"time" : "16:42",
"timer" : [
"type" : "turnon",
"start" : "n/a",
"runtime" : "225",
"color" : "WRGB(0,0,0,31)"
"type" : "turnon",
"start" : "n/a",
"runtime" : "225",
"color" : "WRGB(0,0,31,0)"
"type" : "turnon",
"start" : "16:56",
"runtime" : "225",
"color" : "WRGB(0,31,0,0)"
"type" : "turnoff",
"start" : "20:41",
"runtime" : "225",
"color" : "off"
"random" : {
"status" : "off"
Note: You can use just a part of the name, here only "Liv", instead of MAC address or the full given name.
- If something wents wrong
If something wents wrong, you maybe want to cleanup some files:
$ rm ~/.known_bulbs
$ rm /tmp/bulb-*
- Try GUI for bulb
I have also added a simple GUI.
The more parameters you pass, the less dialogs will appear ;-)
$ ./bulb.sh Liv color
$ ./bulb.sh Liv
$ ./bulb.sh
Note This GUI requires zenity
. You can install it as follows:
$ sudo apt install zenity
Ask for help
$ ./mipow.exp --help
$ ./mipow.exp --help color
Usage: <mac/alias> <command> <parameters...>
<mac>: bluetooth mac address of bulb
<alias>: you can use alias instead of mac address
after you have run setup (see setup)
<command>: For command and parameters
--color <white> <red> <green> <blue>
- set color, each value 0 - 255
$ ./mipow.exp Liv --color
Usage: <mac/alias> <command> <parameters...>
<mac>: bluetooth mac address of bulb
<alias>: you can use alias instead of mac address
after you have run setup (see setup)
<command>: For command and parameters
--color <white> <red> <green> <blue>
- set color, each value 0 - 255
Print status of bulb
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --status
Effect: blink, WRGB(0,255,0,0), 5.1 sec, 0.196 Hz, 11.76 bpm
Timer 1: 14:51, WRGB(0,0,0,25), 30m
Timer 3: 15:51, WRGB(0,25,0,0), 30m
Timer 4: 16:21, off, 30m
Time: 12:54
Note: Status is optional. The following has the same result:
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6
Set color
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --color 0 255 0 0
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --toggle
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --toggle
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --off
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --on
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --down
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --up
Queueing commands / sleep command
Since it takes some time to establish the bluetooth connection each time you start the script, I have introduced command queuing. Each command starts with a dash. The sleep command pauses processing before the next command starts.
$ ./mipow myroom --off --sleep 1000 --on --sleep 500 --off --sleep 250 --on --sleep 100 --off
Build-in effects
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --pulse 10 0 0 0 0
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --blink 20 20 0 0 0
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --rainbow 20
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --disco 30
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --hold 100
Software controlled animations (long running, stay connected)
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --animate 255 0 0 100
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --triangle -10 100 10
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --timer 1 22:40 10 0 0 255 255
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --timer 1 off
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --timer 2 22 1 0 0 255 255
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --timer off
Random turn-on and off
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --random 22:45 23:50 1 1 255 0 0 0
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --random off
Light programs (based on timers)
$./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --wakeup 8
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --doze 60
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --bgr 60 0 64
Set name
$./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --name Timewaster
Set password
$./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --password 1234