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Destinations with contacts, files, map view Check TripIt

Heap -> Komodo-CRM -> Vipassana -> Komok

https://github.com/impworks/bonsai https://habr.com/ru/articles/786518/ https://habr.com/ru/articles/481600/ https://habr.com/ru/articles/438622/

So I can describe HEAP as universal database, examples: * https://airtable.com/ * http://www.ragic.com/ * https://www.notion.so/

User should be able to add habbit, and set schedule Bot will remind on habbit, allow to complete/snooze/fail and calculate statistics

Idea from pass-butter-bot Good morning message with: - date/weekday - todo for today - weather - currencies (change +/-) - habbits stats

== What is Stream? Stream is simply list of cards. Every card can have some global action, like `delay`, `depends on`, `archive`, and unique card specific actions. Imagine card which...


Roam Research use color to highlight connection, Komodo may use “heat map” like rainbow to visualize number of hops between entities