Gather icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Gather copied to clipboard

URL Screenshot Utility


Gather is a simple python script that uses the Selenium Python module to take screenshots of a provided list of URLs. Headless solutions such as Aquatone provide the same service and are much faster, but in my experience may miss some live hosts. Gather is a non-headless method that simply requests the given domain at whatever ports specified, ensuring a very good false negative rate.


Install requirements with the command pip install -r requirements.txt

You will also need to download a chromium driver from here -

I have tested this only on Windows, but should work on Linux as well.

Usage: -f <domain_file> -c <Chrome Driver Path> -d <Disallowed Words> -p <Ports to scan> -o <Output directory path>

-f File containing domain names to scan seperated by a newline character.

-c Path to the chromium driver for selenium

-d If any of the words are found in the HTML of the webpage, the page will be ignored and not included in the report. Useful if the domains commonly redirect to a particular page.

-p Ports to scan, default is 80,443.

-o Output directory to write the report and screenshots to.

Sample use:

python -f "uber-domains.txt" -c "chromedriver.exe" -d,onelogin -p 80,443,8080 -o "C:\Documents\reports"