Haujet Zhao

Results 40 comments of Haujet Zhao

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I wonder why the CJK token in json output by openai/whisper don't split. Is it because openai/whisper did some afterprocessing of the tokens?

The whisper python module itself provided a time-stamp output option, which could be a reference, and I tested it, the command is: ``` python -m whisper --model tiny --language en...

> Uhm so i got it to work... I just commented ou the line: > `#from pytube import YouTube` > > And it does fully work > > on an...

> Uhm so i got it to work... I just commented ou the line: > `#from pytube import YouTube` > > And it does fully work > > on an...

Thanks dude!

Waiting for the ower's response. (of that special computer) Works on mine. I'll let you know once received response.

Update. That user told me at first the new DLL worked, after minutes, he tried the initial (not workable) once (which still don't work), then the new DLL also won't...

I'm not familiar with the cmake process. But maybe this will help. The [sherpa-onnx-portaudio.zip](https://github.com/spatialaudio/python-sounddevice/files/13991143/sherpa-onnx-portaudio.zip) I got is from [this-repo](https://github.com/k2-fsa/sherpa-onnx) , following it's [doc](https://k2-fsa.github.io/sherpa/onnx/python/install.html#method-2-from-source): ``` git clone https://github.com/k2-fsa/sherpa-onnx cd sherpa-onnx python3...

Download and decompress [sherpa-onnx-portaudio.zip](https://github.com/spatialaudio/python-sounddevice/files/13991063/sherpa-onnx-portaudio.zip) , use the `sherpa-onnx-portaudio.dll` to replace `libportaudio64bit.dll` of sounddevice module. (remember renaming) I don't know why, but this works. I think it's because the `libportaudio64bit.dll` that...