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📊 A Julia package that summarises tabular data in the REPL


A Julia package that gives a summary of a tabular dataset in the REPL. Based on the skimr R package.


From the Julia REPL, type ] to enter the Pkg REPL, then run:

add DataSkimmer

Or run from the Julia REPL:

import Pkg


# Load some data
using RDatasets
iris = RDatasets.dataset("datasets", "iris")

# Skim the data
using DataSkimmer
│                Type │ DataFrame │
│             N. rows │       150 │
│             N. cols │         5 │
│     N. numeric cols │         4 │
│ N. categorical cols │         1 │
│    N. datetime cols │         0 │

4 numeric columns
│        Name │    Type │ Missings │ Complete │ Mean │ Std. │ Min. │ Med. │ Max. │ Hist. │
│ SepalLength │ Float64 │        0 │   100.0% │ 5.84 │ 0.83 │ 4.30 │ 5.80 │ 7.90 │ ▂▃▃▂▁ │
│  SepalWidth │ Float64 │        0 │   100.0% │ 3.06 │ 0.44 │ 2.00 │ 3.00 │ 4.40 │ ▁▃▄▂▁ │
│ PetalLength │ Float64 │        0 │   100.0% │ 3.76 │ 1.77 │ 1.00 │ 4.35 │ 6.90 │ ▃▁▂▃▁ │
│  PetalWidth │ Float64 │        0 │   100.0% │ 1.20 │ 0.76 │ 0.10 │ 1.30 │ 2.50 │ ▃▁▃▂▂ │

1 categorical column
│    Name │                            Type │ Missings │ Complete │
│ Species │ CategoricalValue{String, UInt8} │        0 │   100.0% │