> I tried to remove it, but then I get typing problems passing the `inc` parameter. That's interesting. > I think actually to type the `inc` more strict, is more...
I've created a new issues to keep it clean. The original one is resolved as far as I'm awar.
> I honestly think that is more then enough. I strongly doubt if it is worth to derive the presence of those nested fields from the provided inclusion parameters. We...
Hi, I don't think it is. My "solution" to use generics for the include parameter is probably overkill.
Hi, yes, its still the case, that it only properly runs in a node environment. We had plans to support browsers as well, but ran into some technical problems. But...
I'll try and get a pull request, with updated `lookup` return types based on the `inc` paramter, ready till the end of the week.
no, go ahead. This might take me a little bit longer.
Hey @Borewit I've pushed to the connected branch. I noticed that some interfaces like `IArtist` already had some of the possible includes as part of there interface. I've removed some...
> When [downgrading to v0.8.2]( downgrading I run into errors in the ky module. This is because the [kv v0.26.0]( is a pure ESM module as well. Using v0.25.1 works...
I agree. I'll list possible solutions I see for this problem below. For now, it would help to mention the fact, that the package is a node-only package. (Not everybody...