Can represent global information of tokenized_prompts?why tokenized_prompts.argmax(dim=-1) '': 49407 like cls_token of transformer? Thanks
**Describe the question(问题描述)** Modeling Task Relationships in Multi-task Learning with Multi-gate Mixture-of-Experts In the MOE method does expert have to learn and can the frozen model be used as an...
**Describe the question(问题描述)** Modeling Task Relationships in Multi-task Learning with Multi-gate Mixture-of-Experts In the MOE method does expert have to learn and can the frozen model be used as an...
I would like to ask how long is the experimental period for coop training on imagenet?thanks you!
where is The knowledge extraction module in code?thanks!!!!What specific model are they using?
I would like to quote your method of Qualitative analysis, method. image and text retrieval your work is very meaningful, however this piece of code did not find convenient open...