ps2dev copied to clipboard
Testing setup?
Hi, I cloned this repository and connected an Arduino Uno to a PS/2 port, but I had no success with the example code. (I can provide a description of the test circuit, but I don't want to waste anyone's time with tracking down potential mistakes.) Is there a documented/ prescribed hardware/ test setup? I would be happy to make a "how-to" guide with diagrams and pictures, so that others could refer to it. Thanks!
1.) Are you using pins 3 and 2? This is important on Uno. PS2dev keyboard(3,2); //clock, data
2.) Maybe fix from #8 would help
3.) Other than that you just connect arduino pins directly to PS2 port of computer if i remember correcty. (ground and power is also needed obviously)
4.) Which example do you use?
btw i think you need to call init and handle functions properly, see #14