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Compiler generates invalid query plans
The Formulog-to-Souffle transpiler generates invalid query plans in the presence of the CODEGEN_PROJECT
relation, which it seems to treat as being in the same stratum as the predicate being defined.
$ cat foo.flg
rel a(i32)
rel b(i32, i32)
b(3, 42).
a(X + 2) :- a(X), a(X + 1), !b(X + 2, _).
$ java -Doptimize=5 -jar target/formulog-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar foo.flg -c
$ cd codegen
$ cmake -B build -S .
$ cmake --build build
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /root/codegen/build
[ 6%] Generating formulog.cpp
Error: Invalid execution order in plan (expected 2 atoms, not 3) in file formulog.dl at line 30
.plan 0: (1,2,3), 1: (2,1,3)
Error: Invalid execution order in plan (expected 2 atoms, not 3) in file formulog.dl at line 30
.plan 0: (1,2,3), 1: (2,1,3)
2 errors generated, evaluation aborted
gmake[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/flg.dir/build.make:74: formulog.cpp] Error 1
gmake[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:82: CMakeFiles/flg.dir/all] Error 2
gmake: *** [Makefile:91: all] Error 2
The offending rule in the generated Souffle is
a_(@expr_5(X)) :-
.plan 0: (1,2,3), 1: (2,1,3)
Actually, it looks like this bug arises in the case of negation more generally, such as in this program:
rel a(i32)
rel b(i32)
a(X + 2) :- a(X), !b(X).
The invalid query plan is here:
a_(@expr_4(X)) :-
.plan 0: (1,2)
It works fine if the query plan is changed to
.plan 0: (1)
Surprisingly this program works okay:
rel a(i32)
rel b(i32)
a(X) :- a(X), !b(X).
with the Souffle rule
a_(X) :-
.plan 0: (1,2)
I'm not sure why Souffle accepts one rule but not the other. The surface difference is that there's a functor call in the head of the rule. Moreover, it seems like it's necessary for the functor call to use a variable to trigger the issue.
Query plans are applied after optimizations (, and so it risky for us to generate query plans since we do not know what optimizations Souffle will do. A safer alternative is that users specify a SIPS when they compile the Souffle program we generate.