ChromaKit icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ChromaKit copied to clipboard

Swift APIs to create colours in the Lch, Lab, Oklch, and Oklab colour spaces


ChromaKit adds convenience API for SwiftUI.Color, UIKit.UIColor and AppKit.NSColor that lets you easily create colours in the Lch, Lab, Oklch, and Oklab colour spaces.

The colour transformations are based on CSS Color Module Level 4 sample code, and so should closely match what you see in most browsers.


Use the static functions on the Color, UIColor, or NSColor:

import ChromaKit

let lch = Color.lch(80, 80, 80)
let lab = Color.lab(80, 13.89, 78.78)
let oklch = UIColor.oklch(0.833, 0.168, 80.115)
let oklab = NSColor.oklab(0.833, 0.029, 0.165)



To use ChromaKit in your SPM package, add it as a dependency to your Package.swift:

.package(url: "")

And include ChromaKit as a dependency for your target:

.product(name: "ChromaKit", package: "ChromaKit")

Xcode Project

To use ChromaKit in your Xcode project, select File > Add Packages in Xcode, and enter the URL for this repository in the search field: